Capricorn decompression techniques

  Capricorn decompression techniques

  Stress analysis:

Capricorn is a workaholic, a lot of pressure, they first reaction is to work, hard, persistent and dedicated work.Let your guardian planet Saturn in your breast moments have a sense of responsibility.Attaches great importance to the work, you appreciate the realistic solution, as the base, I truly, truly, do you like to do things.You are action oriented.However, even if hard work is good, you will also because too focus and neglect the big picture.To think about your effort is worth it!And if your partner have long complained that you don't mind them, it means that you should redesign your schedule.

  Reduced pressure method:

  Go to the mountain a breath of fresh air

Capricorn is the earth sign, so, than the sea, you prefer to go to the mountains to breathe the fresh air.Go hiking,Climbing the mountainOr valley road will let you look brand-new.Can also play with your partner a comfortable football (Capricorn in charge of the team).However, remember to wear a knee, protect you the Capricorn's most easy to feel the pressure.

  Please friends to high placesHave a mealChat,

You are very good at social (that's why you can promotion soon), but you don't like cheap travel.So, please friends to dinner, if you want to find a club or tastes club, what if there was a wooden walls and fireplace, it is more love.Like the height of the nice restaurant you must like perspective, but the atmosphere must be quiet.Remember to chat more homely - a business meal is not every meal!Social sports is good also, you can try tennis or golf.

  Investment expert lecture

Many Capricorn like Fried or investment, so, you can go to listen to expert lectures, interested in Internet search site of finance and economics, or watch TV on investment project.Some Capricorn also like collecting COINS or stamps (or new).

  Pay attention to the related information with history

Capricorn like history, so you can focus on the history channel, or visit the museum of natural history.A lot of Capricorn like antiques.You can go to the auction, not bidding also can see the glass cabinets of the treasures of the ground.Don't expect can get effective immediately, if you want to relax, goint to a few weeks is enough!

  Go home often

A lot of Capricorn and elders have a good relationship (Gemini is, by contrast, compare with brothers and sisters iron).If you are such a person, can you help father repaired the lawn, or help my mother do an apple pie.You will be very surprised: "go home often" can relieve stress.

  See a movie

Finally, you can choose the movies - new old movies doesn't matter - as decompression secret recipe.Can also some funny cartoon website to put you on the nerve, or proud music channels on TV.Tell your friend about jokes (or to joke club learn a few).A friend you can go to: whether it's a joke or natural for a player.

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