Cancer decompression techniques

  cancerDecompression techniques

  Stress analysis:

Crab crab brain works well, can remember events and details.But when your past too much influence in the future, that seldom happens.Sometimes new experience is "new", there is no past or guide you for your reference.If you buy the wrong train, puts forward some Suggestions of mistakes on the job, or bad relationship, as a crab crab, you soon to punish yourself, those "original", "should" and "will" and put your torture.Take it easy, cancerians!Don't torture yourself!

If the crab crab feel pressure big, will put himself back shell, don't want to discuss things with anyone.This is the self protection mechanism, crab crab and your friends and family may have become accustomed to.Water sign needs to be fixed alone time, especially the very period, so if you really want to do don't mian suppression.Crab crab difficult time need tender love and care, so don't be isolated for too long.If you like and trust their own the other half, to get some warm, even if you can't hear want to hear.

To realize the emotional, your reaction is slower.Cancerians will always stay in a state, until the fall, mainly life disorder, emotional rely too much on or be afraid of making the wrong decision.A CEO once said, to be successful double double failure.Life is also a creative process, so sometimes the efforts are in vain, but that is not a reason to block you move forward!

Your secret weapon is your deep intuition, so use it to find solution.It on standby to help you, don't ignore the little voice inside you, if that is what you want to hear, it is better than your reason.If you must face two forks in the road, rather than believe in logic, rather than intuition.Then you will know the reason, and you will have the confidence to follow your feelings.Your base nature will give you the ability to cope with change, I also have help to look at the opportunity.

  Reduced pressure method:

  The seaside for a walk or to a quiet place for a picnic

Take a walk along the seaside, pick up shells or at the helm to sea is calm crab crab., if you want to have someone to find a and your sensitive people, such as a Pisces, or practical Capricorn, anyhow is not criticizing you.Maybe you two want to go boating, take a basket of food to a quiet, private place for a picnic.

  Eat some dessert to increase appetite

When you first feel the pressure, such as the first time you heard that your boss give you a job, or your partner to dating someone else, or your child had a bad, you will feel the appetite.Eat a little bit tapioca pudding, vanilla sauce, mashed potatoes, sweet banana puree and other things you grew up like to eat (a line), until you restore appetite.Then you will feel much better, then go to add other recipes in food.


Crab crab like to cook, so even if you don't want toHave a mealCertainly don't want to let your family would also like to cook (complain).This is a kind of creation, will let you concentrate, make you feel happy.Crab crab to enjoy the whole process: carefully read the recipes, go to the purchase of raw materials, in order to make an apple pie to pick apples or even go to the market to choose the most fresh vegetables, and creativity to make a dish, the praise from family and friends in close relationship with them.

  Play with the children

The moon is your ruler, so, playing with children is a good way to relief.To take care of a cute little baby, play trampoline or crawling on the ground with his play hide and seek, you'll soon forget troubles.You may even giggle together, singing.Looking for a six-year-old child to go to the circus, I promise, your stress will be without a trace.Older children again is more suitable for crab crab - they are very easy to deal with.Some people with pets can peace - and cancer is with children.

  Rearranging furniture

Because you to family environment is very sensitive, if you feel depressed, try to rearrange the furniture.Give you buy a red back cushion, sofa or a picture of a boat out to sea on desk hand-painted, or buy a copper bowl used for egg white.Also can visualize how to decorate the kitchen, bathroom, or new bedroom.Then when the dream come true you will admire yourself how capable.To find a friend to participate in exhibition model, imagine your favorite job, idea you in this environment, carefully think, aromatic smell the cup of hot coffee taste, look around his office, and even the scenery outside the window.Cancer is very creative, fantasy is the best step you change your reality.

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