Gemini in the eyes of the first bitch

GeminiIn the eyes of the first bitch

Type character types: high profile show show off in an ostentatious manner

Possible roles: love rival

How to deal with: who is worse than

Such people, like at behavior intentionally show themselves with more high-end, ready to talk with English, from time to time to remind yourself just been to the high-level restaurant, let a person cannot help but feel like Shouting, "you don't show off will die."

At first glance, the eyes of the Gemini bitch _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Gemini charm index, head filled with all sorts of tricks, love.For those who have some money, just show off everywhere rivals, but they have no coward.They have the practice has proved that people will choose the Gemini prick silk, also won't choose no emotional appeal of the local tyrants.

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