At first glance, Scorpio in the eyes of a bitch

ScorpioIn the eyes of the first bitch

Type character types: pretentious pack to force

May work roles: rivals

How to deal with: let him look at his own bad

Such people don't put the other side of the beauty, like talking life some ideal about all kinds of opinions, from a math problem to osama bin laden, all kinds of XXXX I saw, for XXXX I think...

Scorpio in the eyes of the first bitch _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Each other from think to learn knowledge, but Scorpio is not fuel-efficient lights, is bound to mobilize their own three inches golden tongue to take each other whole rendered speechless, kneel for mercy.So, in the face of Scorpio, to see if you are not sure, or don't say what truth, their fight was lit but whenever possible.

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