Capricorn in the eyes of the first bitch

Capricorn in the eyes of the first bitch

Type character types: money matter

Possible roles:A blind dateobject

How to deal with: direct to quit

Capricorn is particularly strong self-esteem, they belong to the "type" children, very hate those rich people use money to measure others, also very hate those who will equate money with happiness in the pursuit of material.

Capricorn in the eyes of the first bitch _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

If blind date just a chat, also did not say a few words, began to ask "you bought a house?" "where is the" "how many square." "you have a car?""What brand of", Capricorn is very annoying.But they don't admit that he is not the reality of the local tyrants, but will pretend you are local tyrants, after the tease each other, and then a feet to kick out.

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