Cancer in the eyes of the first bitch

cancerIn the eyes of the first bitch

Character types: fox family type

Possible roles: all kinds of lustyA woman

How to deal with: don't have any intersection with her

Sign of cancer are to family especially attaches importance to, the home is their whole life.In order to maintain the family warmth and harmony, they not only work hard and learn all kinds of household chores, often with his family.And for those who may be a little damage on their family stability and harmony of people, they're heading for the hills.

Cancer in the eyes of the first bitch _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

For those who destroy the family woman, cancer often play the role of the moral speaker, if not on the spot them, also want to use his heart to justice despise them, with their own drowned in them., of course, they are not drawn, can not have a look at will know that the other destroy another family, but they know that steal the husband necessary mantra is "beauty", therefore, they are also naturally seductive women hate those heavy make-up.

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