Pisces in the eyes of the first bitch

PiscesIn the eyes of the first bitch

Character types: super narcissistic creep model

Possible roles: the pursuit of their own people

How to deal with: like away from the plague

In the face of beauty, such people could be quickly in order to measure the measurements, by watching each other's clothing handbags guess each other's "price", at the same time not forget every minute on any reflective objects stay for more than 3 seconds to organize their own hair.

Pisces in the eyes of the first bitch _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Even if the person grow special handsome, Pisces also could not be 7) budged.Because they know the fragile you need is a kind of strong arms, rather than "brokenhearted 33 days" in wang.Just the old love dead to tie up lousy dozen, can't, can only like away from the plague.

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