Libra in the eyes of the first bitch

libraIn the eyes of the first bitch

Character types: secretly play black type

Possible roles: business negotiation object

How to deal with: with wisdom and turning his week

Libra isThe zodiacOf "diplomats", is famous for its good at cooperation and articulate.No matter how well the other side of the argument, how powerful the aura, they believe that their three inches golden tongue the tongue can conquer the other party, will all kinds of contracts are signed.

Libra in the eyes of the first bitch _ the zodiac

(the zodiac/astro /)

However, libra in mesa kung fu is very good, don't know anything about the audience of all sorts of dishonest practices are.Of course, this is not they don't, but they don't want to do.They look down upon most is that fair for fame and fortune, play the black hand behind my back.

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