Gemini boys love

  GeminiThe boy's love

Gemini boys: summon up such as the tongue of the spring, glamour cannot be blocked.

Gemini no one can, and wisdom, with the speed of moving twice as much as the others, exact and creativity is twice the average person.

No one can resist your charming and warm praise, in the constellation Gemini men are the know the art of filling and fan soup as long as you use a clever and charming words, no one is not attracted to you.

Gemini man, full of game cells in the blood, like adventure, wandering everywhere, is good at grasp the opportunity to you, as long as the environment maintain interest, can raise your love.But too capricious, you often wind, when others didn't have a favorable to you, you disappeared without a trace.

Luck in master love, have to stable my own heart change quickly.Gemini boys half Thai is a genius, you have a special talent, whether in music, art, literature, sports and so on various skills, often make people alike.

When charming you show talent, the pairs of love around eyes, most believe always accustomed to you, must can't miss it.

Gemini boys love _ the zodiac

  Reveal the Gemini boys love

Tell me about a Gemini man love, also to Gemini "flower" is a name, by the way.

First of all, if the girl want to have a perfect result, don't can-t find immature Gemini man (this is not mature to watch the two), not steadfast grasp of their own feelings, emotions, thoughts and actions are twin and intuition to the character of the weak, simple sum up a word - impetuous (well I admit);It happened that it isThe zodiacStrong curiosity and love, in love make friends have a passion for free and with a super natural affinity and amazing man of eloquence, so when a Gemini man hasn't really grasp what they want, haven't really want to settle down, it's easy to put on beautiful love tragedy, beautiful, beautiful, but very hurt.Then they love logic is as follows: (these are prematurely Gemini man)

I close to you is I'm really interested in you, but do not represent a certain interest are the results;

2 I can for you is very good, can also be good to other members of the opposite sex, Gemini born love dedication, good to others also have wrong?

3 I can at the same time close to the N of the opposite sex, but my heart there is a scale, and I know that is only interested in, is not love;

Four even if I and you walk closer, but I still have to keep their own a piece of the sky, that only belong to myself, unless I love you will let you come in;

Because five if you interfere with my freedom, or because contact with you just want to lock me to find my true love, I flash!

Young Gemini man is easy to hurt, there are two reasons:

A Gemini to interested in, like, ambiguous, love has a different definition of, and during the first two twin logic is: I am not you, ready to run, this girl is often misunderstood as half-hearted.

Two young although Gemini have their own emotional logic, but often because of weak control force and rebelled against his own logic.

Above is Gemini is headed "flower heart" reputation of the underlying factors, in fact, Gemini have their own bottom line, such as the sex, the twin just curious, is holding the traditional idea, the classic twin words is: for a soul mate, I can lend you the shoulder, even lend you lips, but I can't give you my virginity.

Say again mature Gemini man we are (finally) (in fact, Gemini tend to mature, and experience more closely the relationship between the ratio and age), Gemini likes a person easily, love a person is very difficult, and there is no earthly reason, appearance, family, education, work, geography, nationality...Is not standard, I hard to say what is the standard, I can only say that to be a mature Gemini love is very happy.

A Gemini men are very good at self-reflection and flexibility, the instinct of all know their own weaknesses, and modest nature they are willing to admit my own shortcomings, when years of precipitation and experience allows Gemini finally know how to deal with your own worst enemy, after the "impetuous" and acknowledge his want life, advantages of the Gemini itself is fully revealed, is highly sensitive to new things and lead the person's ability to learn to let them in this rapidly changing era in a freely and comfortable.To measure whether the "Gemini man has grown up", to see whether he has learnt to recharge.If a Gemini man is willing to put his promiscuous and changeful interest reduced to less than any reduction, and each is tied with you, then you are indeed the man he was looking for.Some people say that Gemini is very stubborn, it is hard to change his personality.This makes sense, but this does not mean that Gemini will not change, instead they are very happy to groups of people, to change yourself is likeThe childChild has great plasticity, it's just their way of change is the introspection, from the internal force, so, if my love for you has strong to make him introspection to will make you grow, his love will have entrenched never change;

Two natural spirit gives Gemini once deep in love with a girl, will be very happy to go to observe and study the girl, to master her all the joys and sorrows, and can be very good to control scale;To judge whether a Gemini man had fallen in love with you is very simple, is to see whether his life details for you to, if his mouth often inadvertently give vent to your information, even more than you know, that he fell in love with you is already understand.When you need to talk, he is a quiet listener;When you need advice, he is a rational analysis;When you need comfort, he is lucidity spiritual guide;When you need passion, he is a romantic lover;When you need warmth, he is a gentle lover;When you need quiet, he would quietly waiting for you in your side,When you need to be alone, he would have any go away...Gemini is love will is strong, only young when they scatter energy points too, because of curiosity.When applied to a point, energy must be beyond your imagination, as if he signs of the zodiac, can drift of a double talent and strength;

Three Gemini man actually very persistent, is narrow, Gemini have few principles, for example, there are also big and fuzzy principle, the multiple solution, interpretation is that he, he can always force of logical explanation for their own actions, you can't persuade him.For example, the code of the Gemini men generally believe in "QuFaHuShang", they are always the pursuit of career and relationship among the highest in the goal, they like to challenge themselves.Cash but by his ambition of that day of, you will find a Gemini man or lover does not seem to have reached into perfection.The code when you try to laugh at a Gemini man is wrong, you forget that Gemini man and didn't say the second half sentence: have to deny them, they can get just the medium level, Gemini man would concessions to life, to accept the result of that kind of not too bad.Gemini man seems to be no principles because the mind open is relatively easy to accept new things, and Gemini's philosophy is: existence is reasonable, we don't have the right to deny easily.For principles seldom appear, so the unknown.Once Gemini thinks he has found true love, they will and other grasp very well of the scale of the opposite sex, not easily, maybe you can still see his fellowship with other women, so he has to give heart to his true love;

Four with a Gemini man is very happy, because it is a group of 80 - year - old still young big boy, born a humorist, unlike ram male funny gifts, a Gemini man humor based on his extensive knowledge and sensitive response, he jokes tend to have a few seconds long or even a hysteresis effect in the evening, when you wake up suddenly want to understand the implication of Gemini man something last night, you can understand this man how incredible it is.Mature Gemini men generally have very healthy psychological system, they give love is the sunshine state of mind and relaxed life concept, even five years after getting married Gemini men still can live like a first love and honeymoon

Five Gemini born to be a good communicator and coordinator, is good at sense motive and understanding, this talent is very good for two people live lubricant, you rarely see a Gemini - although they are arguing player - he often don't understand why those red-faced and debate.This is not to say that Gemini man want to speculative, but because he already has two ideas in mind constantly fight, fight once resolution he believer, outsiders can hardly shake his faith, to change from the Angle of reason and logic, Gemini man decided it is too difficult, but from the perspective of perceptual often have unexpected effect.Because of Gemini man life smooth, to avoid into the endless debate with others, they simply remain outside of contradiction focus and a pair of no matter be battered by a storm I aloofness from immovable.Gemini man like breeze compared ways to solve the problem, especially for their own lover, contradictions and conflicts will become invisible in Gemini communication and speech;

6 and most important, Gemini's understanding of love is giving, not possession and taking, he love you, all the process of giving is the happiest, let him be Gemini love so is very easy, you can't hear such as "I paid so much did you pay?"Of this kind of dispute, even pay a lot for you but you have to leave the moment, Gemini will heartfelt blessing you.Maroussi in the hierarchy of needs theory has a: people have a need to love and be loved.Most people only see the need of being loved, but in Gemini, it seems, love to need the same or even more important.Most Gemini is not live for ourselves, but to one you love live, lose emotional pillar Gemini are mostly super mix of 60 minute long live, they need a fulcrum to burst of energy and wisdom, that is "love".

Said a Gemini so many good things, need statements, Gemini is not feeling saint, both mature and the standard of honesty in their assessment of the young love is only one, but is very strict, that is, to open up.You can have thousand is not, even I allow you to cheat, but if you will always be in the process of exchanges closed mind locked door on the sidelines, so this is the most intolerable Gemini, they like to vigorous born dead, plainly once Gemini finds all communication is one-way, Gemini has decisively to leave.(and this is my study constellation Gemini to most accurate to 1)

All Gemini is pure child - even after the weather-beaten.Hurt by Gemini, please forgiving them, they made the child's fault, but is by no means intentionally;Is a serious twin falls in love with the girls, please cherish, because you have little chance to meet a love you love so simple, they won't look back, once let go will only wear a face smile continue to need to find a person worthy of love, they have a tendency to be natural and unrestrained let doubt whether you ever really loved you, but please believe that this is true, Gemini is the world's most affordable release of a group of people.(please believe!)

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