Cancer boys love

  cancerThe boy's love

Cancer boys: a lot of thoughts.

Cancer boys have strong want to take care of people's emotions, also has a strong possessive instinct, want to protect the person I love forever, also hope to have been like a beloved personThe childNeed his care.

As long as often hold such a gentle and caring attitude, must have touched a beloved.

Cancer usually like to keep their close at home, enjoy a quiet, comfortable life that occupy the home, this for you already reserved, little social circle is a kind of way.Occasionally go out for a walk to the new environment to get to know new friends, to participate in new groups or to the beach on vacation, can make you relax.

All new relationship, is beginning to you out of your shell, and share the joy of others.

Cancer boys don't like to speak in front of their own ideas, so often misunderstood, a lot of luck can help keep your love.

Two-way communication habits to shy and hidden thoughts of you, may need a little time to adapt to, but as long as the mindset of fear of injury, you will be easy to find a confidant.

Reveal your boy love

  Reveal your boy love

The people in the 80 s for constellation has a strange infatuation and praise highly, constellation of prophecy portrayal of the real image, let us ignorant have a little peace of mind and comfort.

Many of the explanation for cancer constellation book:

Cancer isThe zodiacThe most sensitive, the most care about people, the most wealthyA womanOf the feelings of men.He is good at with the tides as gentle care as a means of interpersonal communication, can use personal feelings to impress people around, the guitar.He is full of care and love, so much so that he can to suffocate you, holds you, manipulate you.

Cancer too value of their own feelings, so sensitive that he often bear the skepticism of self-imposed torture, often see things very seriously, which makes his self-esteem is extremely vulnerable to injury, a state of pessimism.He was most eager to others to understand his emotional world, however, he does not directly open his heart, his mood and temper moment fickle, calm, cool for a while, a moment is strong, for a moment his scowl as magnitude 8, suddenly he may become cold as an iceberg, let you feel guilty, upset.

Men of his survival instinct and self-protection ability, but he doesn't like direct confrontation and conflict, contradiction, he used to take implicative, indirect way to avoid.He usually due to the sensitive response for the outside world and hard shell, closed by likeA crabJust as backward, avoid to express his hard to vent anger.He will be in the same way as a complex, riddles "curved" way of communication with you, if you don't know the speculation, circuitous tactics, he doesn't know his secret.

Cancer standard character for firmness and perseverance, face, round, fleshy, often locked brow, thus has obvious grain, can fully see the melancholy of nature.Eyes full of affection, pug nose, mouth slightly pendulous, stubby neck and round his chin to give a person the sense of nurturing maternal.

Cancer's biggest weakness is too introverted, lack of interest, which is the biggest taboo love.Love initiation in passion, who all want their love is like a fire, whether can come together in the future, all hope that the dynamic of love, is the best memories in my life in the future;What's not working because of high self-esteem, things like to suppress the hidden in the heart, to give his girlfriend a distrust of illusion.

He needs a woman who can give him emotional support, if you can not get the respect of his, he was able to cold than anyone else.And he live together, you need to understand, he is more than you need to emotion and love, he is more sensitive than you.Otherwise, unstable mood, he can break your nerve, make you feel the face is not a man, but more than one face.

Many of his happiness is based on you and his home, the whole body and mind are at home, you must learn to cut your free activities.You need to know and accept him to accept his family, you must take care him, otherwise will not affect your marriage is an affair, to be his mother.

He used to manipulate your emotions, to make you feel guilty with care, to deprive you of freedom with excessive protection, it is he has no volume, lack of security, but he said it's all about you, if any contradiction is caused by you, this is an innocent victim.He often emotional, not able to handle conflicts calmly, like a not sensible child.

He was sensitive and timid, easily suspicious guess you.Cancer does not directly conflict with you, he let your emotional confusion and curved language to map, stimulation, torture you.Cancer is a timid protectionists, to go out, travel, and friends together activities also does not have too much enthusiasm.He is homesick, miss the past, also don't like your activities freely, he provides you with a safe in the cage.

If you do not keep women folk angered him, you will see him cold side, unless you have the economic advantages of absolute let him become your affiliate.He needs to know the rule of you every day, you'd better go home on time, if you go out alone happy, after coming home will experience a tragedy.Cancer of security, money too seriously, that is too haggle over every ounce.

Volume is small, he will remember everything he has done for you.

When the cancer man said to you, I'm tired, want to let go, don't think he is to perform a distraught drama, this is true, real, how love you, even if he had hurt you, promise long accompany with you, and you......

At this moment, all sincerity and for a pretence have become yesterday, his heart was completely closed to you, don't try to use words to inspire his men, invitation for he has vowed to keep, these are all in vain, he was completely hide into his carapace.

If you still impose affection, the number of columns has good, will only make him more hate you, he will use pliers to task you, he is now completely don't care about you!!At that moment, his heart only oneself, perhaps to avoid damage, perhaps, his inner world you will never know.

At that moment, the cancer is indifferent, terrible and cruel, he is just to live in your world, even once favorite people will not let you enter, fall in love with the cancer, fall in love with sadness.

After an injury to a woman's life to heal, and all of these have nothing to do with him, after some years, meet again, he will find that you've been out of shape, loose skin...No mercy cherish, just more hate you......

To cancer to love, from the cancer from happiness!!!!!!

Please have this love, either to cherish a lifetime together, that is the blessing of happiness.

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