Analysis of Capricorn girl love fatal point

Analysis of Capricorn girl love fatal point

Everyone is not perfect, even if your character is very good, very gentle, but also have more or less, to deal with the deadly bad love sometimes these fatal point will allow you to miss out on these love oh, so what Capricorn love there will be a fatal point?All say "gold barefoot, nobody's perfect, true gold fears not the fire", but the last, no matter how in good, you will find some defects, especially in the aspect of love.

Initially did very perfect, can't find any faults, let you think a person is a perfect lover, but said people in love is not a fool is a madman, or the eyes of the beholder, regardless of how others judge their own lover, love in his eyes is a perfect, basic won't want to into a deeper place, and how to get to know each other shortcomings.But when you know each other's shortcomings or inadequate, will then have to love each other?

Analysis of Capricorn girl love fatal point _ the zodiac

Capricorn love fatal point a

When you feel meet people like this, they will not endure in silence, but for their guilt and remorse, also will take all the mistakes in his own body, don't think it is the other side of the fault;Even if each other in love affair, they also can't blame each other, but wonder if they do wrong, let the other side can't stand himself, etc.;Even the other party has pushed the wrong wrong to Capricorn, Capricorn want to don't want to accept according to the order.

Capricorn love fatal point 2

Capricorn woman in love, will be very stubborn, persistent, although Capricorn personality is a little stubborn, but not in love will only strong and weak.Part of the Capricorn is a workaholic, a strong woman, in love almost all Capricorn in command, the other party can only choose to bear, and it will slowly become Capricorn fatal point.If the other party bear or not budge, Capricorn lover, it's easy to die.

Woman's personality is more traditional, the steadfast Capricorn, face the reality of love also seems to be especially, they wouldn't be carried away by love, very rational.In love, they know what they need, once in love, you will wholeheartedly to maintain their own love, although in the eyes of outsiders seems to Capricorn's love is beautiful, happy, but actually is full of boring and not practical.

Whether in life or in love, you are too care about reality, such as take the money, status, fame and wealth, these will be as a Capricorn is the condition of choosing a lover, also is the place that they need to consider in the aura of love is beautiful, but inside he appeared very pale.

Capricorn love fatal point three

Capricorn woman feels are cold, lack of enthusiasm, even if in front of the person you like, you also are a pair of cold light, so it's easy to let his love away.Because you give a person the first impression is not sharp enough, not enough outstanding personality of their own, so you want to make a change, it is best to highlight your charm.(The zodiac /astro/)

Capricorns are very disciplined, serious in life, let people don't dare to close to, and others are too strict to myself, so can give a person a kind of high above the feeling, which can make narrow Capricorn association, Capricorn can also lead to easy to meet people like this.

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