Libra men love

  libraThe boy's love

Libra men - irresistible grace.

A white shirt, a piece of sapphire roll phnom penh head scarf, a fitted jeans, unmindful of the smile, languid is lazy, libra you always than men of the same age, will be young, clean, get along with people.Need not deliberately pursue the girl, as long as you send out the temperament of elegance, gracefulness, is enough to make the girls take the initiative to fall around chasing.

Kung fu class looking stupid, want to hear from you true not easy, sex good, you will not easily give promise, but this does not affect your charm.

Libra men the most charming place, lies in the character, always to separate his own life and social.In public places, always trying to stand out with you, know that speaking skills, master the fitting way of social, it is easy to become the most popular.

No matter how old, you are always a little more childish than others, character, the little prince is a libra, because the beauty of the rose, let you are willing to put up with her wayward, often say naive call moving things, make people think it is difficult to love you.When you do wrong, is particularly easy to forgive from others, it's all thanks to the childish innocence.

Reveal the libra boy love

  Reveal the libra boy love

Libra boy in love not know refused, libra men think refused to hurt people.In order not to hurt, libra men only sacrifice themselves.And libra men will think too highly of "responsibility", and therefore even if is a care about words they think should return, more can't refuse.Libra men think the responsibility is more important than love,

Libra men think that if you want to love a person is to make each other happy.Here say "happy" including many, such as have enough economic capacity to maintain at ordinary times when spending with you, can let you happy every day, your friends and parents will accept you?Your friend can accept their parents?Might even think ofTo get marriedLater you kids problems such as the appearance of beautiful?There are many things they want to want to far away, so the libra man in love is really compare indecision.

Libra men once love deeply of the person you are his and determine your relationship, then this time libra men's quest for a perfect one side show come out.When libra men in mind is how to do my best to let you feel the happiest in the world.

Through BBS realize the world most scales are this character, although don't want to admit it but have to say that this ghost constellation thing too amazing, 10 hundreds of millions of people in China, only 12 people?Why must let a person crazy, see be scold scales like see another oneself, in line with the peace of the world's slogan write down my thoughts about libra, I wish after complaints from could be less.In fact the world peace pipe I p things, even if tomorrowThe end of the worldI also eyelid didn't bat an eyelid, is purely on BBS to vent, balance itself.

1 in the room

Libra is a bad guy in front of outsiders, humor humor and wit, elegant demeanor, considerate and kind, can equally to anyone, even if the heart in spit also can smile in the face of the dinosaurs, a hypocrite, but a starting point is the white, so that everyone can open happy heart, harmonious atmosphere, why not, harmony is the 21st century.But no matter how false, there are still a lot of mm in getting along with libra daily gradually attracted to such a libra.

Under this stage must say mm people hate libra ambiguity, libra habitual good to people, some ambiguous purely mm watch is wrong.But most ambiguous responsibility in libra, although oneself also know with the behaviour of the mm between a bit, but enjoy the inferiority of libra sometimes ambiguous atmosphere, is a kind of affirmation, on their own can make more confident, if both sides in the window period, libra don't mind you, after all is not who also don't know everyone is suitable for not suitable for communication.Said libra male three male, based on this.

If any one party taken are 2 people, libra will reason know so far, not to development, just ambiguous, for individual bs together just can't hold it.

If two people from ambiguity to continue to develop, libra will actively romantic pursuit, libra is a perfect embodiment, during this ideal boyfriend is his, mm happy dizzy head, so was captured by this stage the libra.

Basic this stage for libra is just like, not love, libra don't know what love is, it is very clear what is like, libra can like a lot of a lot of people, but only for a lifetime love a person, the person of love is selected from among the one you like.This is also a libra has always been scold foot tower n the cause of the ship.

Libra is follow the feeling, my heart also don't know who will be one you love, how can I refuse?Only people can understand interacted, only when you know I know who is the person who you love.

2 purgatory

Libra wander with two extreme realism and idealism

Fame and gain power in the clouds, I greatest wish is to love the people together to the old happiness.

Libra don't believe love full of drinking water, only believe that one hundred - day cry of rich husband and wife,

Don't care which, only care about everlasting.

When two basic to determine the relationship between the libra will put mm when one of their own, no longer to the mm fortification and camouflage, no longer do privately yourself back, feeling will let mm gap is too big, a word lazy, too lazy to make a phone call, lazy hair message, too lazy to dinner party, but a friend called and immediately flew past, libra is a person afraid of lonely, lonely incoming time will be very depressed, friends is the antidote, but take temporary solution not effect a permanent cure, friends with the world, no one friend, say is libra, together with friends to get rid of the libra born with loneliness, but the heart is always empty.

This phase of the libra often disappear, week, day 3 days and still no word, but appeared to sweet talk again good like nothing happened, the mm crazy, began to suspect that libra is really enjoying myself, in fact, the real libra in this way, not contact is just too lazy to contact, or are don't hesitate to contact, call or send text messages, which is good to meet, meet what to say, and decide the look in the mirror and found myself today hair style is a bit messy, clothes were not handsome enough, long blain blain, too tired, time is a bit late, also calculate simply not to go, too lazy to trouble.

And sometimes libra will be in a bad mood, but his own did not know to reason, is in a bad mood, need to be alone, at sixes and sevens blind to think, what all don't want to do, any phone text messages are annoying, hate any comfort, libra don't need comfort, able to heal themselves.

But when two people really meet will, as always, the same sweet as honey.Mm do not die stare at asking whether libra love oneself, libra also don't know, only know that I like you, but is love really don't know, need time to prove.Libra don't generally don't say that he loves you, but will when two people get along through the action to tell you.Libra don't believe any sweet words, itself said too much, make love is not to say that.

Libra don't like being stick too tight, will make his breath, the wind of the genus he needs freedom.Mm 100% believe him, he will love there can be no doubt.

This stage of the libra love is selfish, mm may be love is more than a libran, mm have to do is keep on doing yourself, independent mature charm, just as the same as previous day without libra, develop some of their own interests, more can't give a libra, you can't live without him feel this love is too heavy, libra.

Libra disappear when you don't need to pipe just lie between a day or two to libra a message or a phone to tell him you love him, not too often, he will be tired, probably he will not respond to you, but will remember you in my heart, grateful to you.Libra, such as adjust the mentality will naturally come back to you.

Libra pessimism, sensitive heart, is a more a more love more lonely, more love more people with low self-esteem, they can't control their head to think a lot of things, really love me, can you give each other happiness, I can walk to the end.Mm inadvertently a move could be libra tacitly gauge research, and to confirm the mm really love him, this time the libra need mm constantly from language to action must be encouraged, to give him courage, continue to love or embarrassment inhibited the libra may give up.

Estimated at this stage is 80% of the mm, hot and cold do let the mm of a lot of people don't understand libra character mad, take the initiative to let go is not mm collapse libra inferiority yourself to let go.Two-phase need mm really really love libra and confident enough to enough wise enough independent mature enough, not that kind of small capriciousA womanType.

3 hell or heaven

How far is the distance, heaven and hell 2 heart distance.

Light has love two people can walk to arrive together?Do not, libra is although love each other, but their happiness for each other, so let it go.

To insist on to the stage of mm are all saints, patience as you have the temperament,...Can marry to the mm to do the wife is basically the most happiness thing in the world.Just knows that this world, but only after the baptism of blood and tears can understand:

Can't get is always the best, the lost forever is the most precious.

A little beside the point, continue to say, the last stage can walk to arrive together basic are rational enough mature person enough, this phase of the libra men have been basically mm to eat now, love is the most selfless love of that kind of, the heart has no reservations in mm there, though is likely to continue ambiguity in the outside, but rest assured, specific libra men know their own bottom line, also just ambiguous, almost instinctively, but in this step the mm of the in the mind have several.

At this time of the mm should be quite understand libra, but also phase with the difference between heaven and hell.

In the heaven:

Libra and all life around mm, sticky mess, pet mm pet afraid of heart melt, let everything with mm report, have what not happy can say to the mm, like aThe child.Only when the inexplicable melancholy comes a person hide corner staring blankly.Two people happy to let others envy to death.

In hell:

Libra is not to say that in hell no longer love each other, just need a libra can do his friends love, with such love, libra can give up any everything.

He put his naked heart in mm, hope one day to read the mm, but the mm is only know the shape of the heart, but not go deep into the interior, it could also be injured once again after the libra in fragile heart topped with the protection of the shell is too thick, heavy to no one can understand.

Two people who love each other, but they could not open the heart, is sensitive enough mm also can feel both sides separated by a membrane, choose to leave.

May also be desperate libra pretending to be happy, two people to go to church, libra is a very good good husband good father, libra's wife is still happy to let others envy, only the heart of libra already enteredThe grave, the rest is just responsibility, responsibility to his wife and children to parents.

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