Gemini girls love

  GeminiGirls love

Gemini girls: you lie like a good charming.

Gemini girls are the most devoted friend, as long as the play you helpful nature, relative, your popularity will be constantly boiling, be a myriad people fan.

Gemini girls flirt, not only popular with the boys, the girls also don't envy, because they knew how to put the distraction to others.They not only know the associate with boys playing way, also understand and girls contacts when another set of social patterns.

So please enjoy coquette, girls see the appearance of you coquettish, often mistakenly assume that you are funny, men tend to think that you have a favorable to him, but they do not understand, in fact you just like to play, not any particular purpose.

The appearance of Gemini girls lie special charming!Clearly is plain, boring and dull, after her mouth becomes a disturb teaching, the legend of vigorous.Clearly can't stand is inflexible and stubborn brother next door, but when the neighbors brother's face she must be said: "brother, your suggestion is great, can I borrow your ideas?"

Quips such as beads to lying, actually jumping-off place is well-meaning, social shrewdness, you also therefore become everyone's favorite objects.

Reveal the Gemini girls love

  Reveal the Gemini girls love

Gemini girls are like chocolate and coffee mixed drinks, Gemini love change, can in a second sweet like a chocolate, next again into the bitter coffee, speaking emotions will come, because under the influence of double personality, they also don't know which side is the real himself.

Comes to Gemini will immediately sank into the love river doesn't consider this relationship is worth paying, in their eyes the world is very beautiful, love them is also very simple, often at the time of break up seems to be the most don't care about the feelings of Gemini is hurt the most, because of the double character of they always place the attitude of the game world in the face, in fact in the mind have love dying live but mouth still say just for fun.When Gemini lover's betrayal, showed great passion even terror, wish each other into eighteen layers of hell, but to calm down a bit after the Gemini is very a person, also do not put betrayal in the heart, as long as the other party is willing to return to his side and Gemini will be accepted.

Gemini the first impression that gives a person is always smooth, very naughty one, in fact, with the understanding of them, you will find a Gemini is actually a very thoughtful man, even you will find that their heart is very lonely, the Gemini is very afraid of loneliness, they fall in love with a person is often looking for a kind of dependence, when love gone, Gemini can't stand together tend habits, for they may forget that a person is need people to a lifetime effort, when they are sad will always think of a relationship of good, but it also just comfort myself because they never understand to cherish eyes to recognize this truth.

After the defeat of the emotional, Gemini might have the thought of intellectual man fit, even thought about future life no longer fall in love, but they need is a sign of love, they will not shut himself in the room, they will go out and find a friend chat complain to cry or shout out loudly to the sky, their feelings will not because a failure to fall, because they are very smart, as long as there is the company of friends, they will soon be out of the feelings of failure is sometimes in the dead of night, they will feel sad.

Gemini love you will find that they always boasts about his much good, but they will all blame the fault to once after a breakup, think it is their bad to leave each other, but most of all because of impulse and cause scorer, Gemini is easy to impulse or under irrevocable results can only be alone drink bitter, for however they feel remorse but in front of outsiders tend to have misjudged the upon each other.

Actually in love with a Gemini girl you will be very happy, because they are very clever, know what is measured, from housekeeping to social no they won't do, is definitely a out of the hall into the kitchen be good wife, and two children was a sweet little lover, always remember the way to give each other surprise, even if only a dollar will also want to each other on, calculating the buy something for each other, actually they are very simple one, just like bornbaby, ignorance will always watch you ask you why, but their hearts are very understand, just want to make each other feel more knowledgeable, two children is definitely a lover than concerns about their face more people, also can go through fire and water to give up to love all the people, to find happiness without the burden of affection is the mission of their life, they are born optimists, slowly back and be with them their optimism to!

So cherish the Gemini girl!!!!

  The Gemini woman, can't find a stable bone in her body

Gemini girls are often make you too, and sometimes more knot will lead you to think.This woman several times more than the average woman, she is made up of a lot of different character, so she always make you hard to predict, and she has always been the case.

Her speed is so fast, I do not want you running or walking with her, if she really want to and you the game speed, you have not even stand on the starting you've lost.And she together, will make you feel life with a lot of fun, and any interest;Sad, happy, everything.

And Gemini woman is needed to use imagination to fall in love, you really have to make an effort to think about what is the real her, and in the end, you suddenly realize: originally what all is not her, she really didn't, and if you find it is really so, then you won't have chance to really know her, she went away from you;Not at the outset told you?She quickly!

But you also can indeed be a make all men's eyes overflowing the fire of jealousy lucky guy, this is to use some skills.But there is a prerequisite, you really have the wisdom, be smart enough, faster response, to trust her, although some ┅ it reluctantly, but you definitely want to believe her.Her heart has been in the worry that worry that, just average person look not to come out, you have to careful, don't be in the process of smug, missed her mood moment passes.

  Little fairy Gemini prince waiting for a dream

Gemini woman mysterious, romantic, perceptual, feminine, and poetic.She is eager to live in fairy castle, accompanying JunWei prince.She has the wisdom of the endless creativity, imagination and intuition.All in all, she is a no one can solution of the magic fairy.

Unfortunately, many men can't satisfy her expectations, forcing her to not keep distance, is to use your imagination to make up for each other's shortcomings.Dull, behave men the most she can not stand, just want to escape.In fact, she it is wise to do so.

Ideally, Gemini girl want to find can make her forget what day is today, at least from time to time from each other to express love or offer little attentions.She is fall in love of the object can be changed decayed for magical cellini prince.Had better have no shortage of ideas, and a life dull side completely ruled out in the small world of two people.So her ideal object must have a colorful imagination.

She felt vulnerable and often built a wall around to protect themselves.Because of the Gemini has a mysterious character, she will take her fear buried deep in the heart.Heart was touched, she becomes shy timid, afraid she can't get the same great returns.

Gemini women can create the most romantic relationship, your partner could not help but love her deeply.Her only problem is that a desire to love myth, could make every man in the world can't meet her expectations.

The prince of earth is not much, unusual but don't look for love.But Gemini women can on your own.Play to create magical experience ability, let the imagination to perfection, to create unique personal world.At the same time, she should break the myth of prince and princess, jump out to get drunk of myths and legends.Don't put their own dreams upon each other, because no one can play perfect idol in her dream.Leave the dream in a dream, live in the real world, she needs to be more pragmatic spirit of mating.

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