Analysis of Taurus girls love fatal point

TaurusGirls love fatal point

Everyone has their own deadly love points, both surface and deep inside, there are this kind of phenomenon, and some fatal point or we cannot touch and guess;Many people yearn for a period of unforgettable love, but again very afraid she is hurt, then it is easy to linger, at a loss.Fatal point of resolving way also is different, for their own deadly points, so as to improve one by one, it will make you in love with less damage and reduce the risk of damage, etc.If you are a Taurus, know your love is deadly point?Come and see!

Analysis of Taurus girls love fatal point _ the zodiac

Taurus love fatal point a:

Frowsty coquettish, slow Taurus, seldom go to express his thoughts and feelings, even in his own love, Taurus will also consider for a long time, to be determined, if the other party is not firm, Taurus is easy and passed their love.Taurus love specificity and loyal, if no sincerity, don't treat each other sincerely, so you would rather not to start a new relationship, they can't afford to play the game of love.

Actually in love, should be more positive, don't be so passive Taurus, you don't say, love how can know what you need?Such as the dress or the other is what you want, but don't say out again, will only act peevishly, it will make love is very difficult, so in the world of love, you just try to be brave.

Taurus love fatal point 2:

Taurus gives person's feeling is compared commonly nurturing, elegant, considerate, etc., sometimes naive, silly;Happened such as love, each other some friction, Taurus is not willing to compromise, they will discuss with lover or request, if the lover said, correct, naive they will to believe, but the result is always disappointed the Taurus.

And the results not only make the Taurus feel pain, also let love empathy, persistence is the most terrible agony, too long is too long, if you resist, it is easy to break up with each other.

Taurus love fatal point three:

Taurus people don't angry don't angry, angry is very serious, and sometimes also can let a person feel terrible;Taurus although had a joke at ordinary times, don't get angry easily, but if you touch the Taurus taboo, so stubborn like cattle they will think you are unreasonable, broke their hearts, may cause each other's heart deep in contradiction.

Of course, you may also feel unreasonable, why so?Is joking, but as Taurus partner you understand that it is important for Taurus thing is can't literally kidding, even if they really like you again, may also be because the break up with you oh, so don't push your luck, too.(The zodiac /astro/)

In love, Taurus will claim to own love is higher, but this is for themselves, rather than you oh, but may be related to you, so you need to do a good job in this aspect of the psychological preparation, after all, you are the lover, get along with time is not much, who can guarantee that will not be involved in your body?Sometimes the Taurus may be more verbose, but this is for your own good, so let's be patient, or Taurus will feel very sad.

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