Scorpio boy's love

  ScorpioThe boy's love

Scorpio's boys - blue eyes will come.

"Don't look at my eyes, or you will fall in love with me."This sentence reminds women don't want to capture by Scorpio man.Scorpio and attractive temperament is the other person dazzling all the temptation, that kind of look deep into your soul, is often irresistible.

Scorpio man talking to the cause of the obsession, is that you always have some reservations, deep thinking, and decided to say how many, the heroine of the Arabian nights is captured in this way the king's heart, and you chat is very difficult to really understand what your heart really think, but always do mystery is also a good way to seduce a girl.

Scorpio is a standard hunter, you as long as with great courage and perseverance, the absence of prey, because all things than anyone of you, always at all cost, to get what you want, as long as you embrace the potential of this, no one can escape from your arms.

Scorpio boy love

  Reveal Scorpio boy love

He is the most mysterious in the twelve zodiac signs, the most profound, the most sexy and powerful man.

He is a eternal mysteries, such a complex brain, you need him to understand his mystery, however, he also often don't understand yourself.He is a very sexy and dangerous man, he is a keen insight, when he used the sharp eyes meaningfully see you one eye, he saw through your motivation, and you see through, he was not so easy.He always quietly, silently, with dense, mysterious, deep breath, you can't see him, but you feel his presence.

He is not so easy to close, the language be not easy to understand him, he used to say, his language like computer password to decrypt, the surface of the language meaning is not his true intentions.To profoundly understand him, you must have the genius of intuition, coupled with Freud's psychology.Through his behavior doesn't make any sense to understand him more, don't have much one as mysterious as his, he is often you misunderstanding, but that's exactly what he expected.

He has a huge boundless imagination, he all too complicated, not uncommon talents can't understand his complicated life and psychology.He too need safe harbor, he need the partner of the soul, but his insight into too many dark origins, his greatest strength is to use intelligence, will win.He was so keen that he almost cannot be cheated by anyone.Even in his look bad if drunk, mud, intoxication he may still play mind games.His mood is often accompanied by sadness, because he too much counsel that he cannot find the light and let yourself sad.Only when he in vigorous physical activity, he was able to fully indulge succumb to happiness.

He surface calm calm, but he always burning in the blood of gripping passion, his mind constantly looking for the paradise of the love.He's too need emotional waves drown himself, but he is highly sensitive to the feelings of the antenna, and his heart was often unknown damage.Therefore, he would rather choose closed self, he is not willing to develop feelings of gate.He knows that once he was lit passion, both you and will be able to put his ashes.

He has a super nuclear fusion energy commonly, if not harmonious to release this energy, could lead to self destruction.His life constantly transcend ourselves, constantly regenerate, his life accompanied by waves waves, death, dangerous, the more in a crisis, the more he can play his strength.He therefore become mellow and special materials, his strong will, his power is destroyed, he can become a kind of person he wants to do any.

He is an extremist, he is not an angel, is a demon, but he won't be careless.When he opened his, he will fully and completely give -- emotional, soul and body.He has all the strength and courage to conquer the crisis, he is also able to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others.If he is not healthy, he will be like a devil cunning, cruel.He can indulge, namely he has incredible strong will and self-control, when he decided to repent, he will immediately stop all loose, as a saint.When he can sublimate their own lusts, threw himself into work, he is a typical workaholic.

When he is willing to act, stubborn and loyalty you can be found from his body, he is indestructible faith, he durable endurance and stubbornTaurusPar.

Went into his world is not so easy, he carefully, and critically select all the people around him, he doesn't like shallow human relations, of couse, he is a black and white lines.He indelible memory, he was able to "being intravenous drip of tu, when yongquan phase equipmeent newspaper".

Under his tough appearance, have a heart of extremely soft and high self-esteem.If his self-esteem were injured, he can be one of the most dangerous enemy, you don't enmity and Scorpio is astrologers to human's advice.

Due to the passive personality and sensitive self-respect, he would rather lonely, also don't want to run the risk of being rejected, let him more pain than lose emotional lose self-respect.He is a cunning hunter, he didn't go to brave to chase you, but quietly close to you.If he didn't get the expected response, he will quietly quietly retreat.

Usually, he doesn't like to compete with others to get you, even if he really attracted, he is also able to suppress his desire, quietly waiting for the appearance of all the competitors.If not through complex, dramatic programs to create a let him feel can control the feelings of the atmosphere, he will not be able to enjoy the joy of the fall in love.

He is afraid of be enslaved by your feelings, he is usually hard to all of his feelings to you easily, he entirely for a long time, the test you, until the irrepressible emotions flooded him with you.His inner fragile, he needs you, eager to you, he has you, he miss you all the time.However, he is good at hiding his deep volcanic kind of passion, more won't let you see him for your attachment.He afraid you will use his deep emotion to manipulate him, sometimes he somehow keep distance at one end with you.He has a great sex appeal, he can lose your brain functions like lines of magnetic force.

In love, he usually want to occupy the dominant position, he need you constantly showing love to him, but he doesn't have to express his feelings.He is eager to you can think you as his lover is this life the most lucky thing.

Usually, he is not a need a variety ofA womanMan, he only need you, he would be able to remain loyal to you.In love, but, extremism, he is a strong extremely exclusivist.He has a quenchless possessive desire, any close to you and others can rekindle his crazy green-eyed monster.His strong emotion and feeling indifferent, he has an incredible ability to cut come mess.

  He let you love

He has a strong, indestructible strength, he is a more difficult time more can create the miracle of man, you can depend on his in the various crisis.He has a high degree of self-control ability and courage to not afraid of death, he is the most loyal friends, as long as you have asked, and there is need, he will generously, draw out a sword, he have noble spirit of self-sacrifice, in the critical moment, he can protect you, help you, he is the most powerful arms.

He has a deep emotion, his inner world tender, he CARES about you, love you.His passion, his passion can take you into steam, he has great power, he put the man's passion into love to you.He was able to care about you love.

He has accurate intuition, he can see through the essence of everything, he can always help you see the unknown dangers.He is the most deep, passionate, sexy glamour of magnetic lover, he can best understanding of the psychological and emotional woman.

His ambitious and aspiring, he wanted to do, he is able to do, he won't let you down.His strong, deep, dark, and he together, you will never feel boring.He is reliable, complete, he was involved in things will be stead fast.He never stays for exploring the secret of life, he is able to guide you on the path of development of a spirit.

  He let you hate

He is a dangerous man, he don't need to have too much to let you hate, you can never really know him, his scheming, is good at playing mind games you operation.He is jealous, has a strong possessive desire, you have lost the freedom.His mood swings a lot, his lack of manly big measure, his mysterious, artificial.His mood change multiterminal, let you can't catch any clues.When he has no feelings, he can proudly look at your pain, he is as ruthless as a Lord of hell.He often depression sad, your sunshine makes him even more sad, he will put your brilliant mood with the shadow of hell.

He came to the purpose of life has only two - the power and control.He almost nowhere not play these two games.He is extremely high to your request, but you can't have any request for him.His behavior makes you feel less than the safety and security.

  If you want to seduce him

Any of his dark, mysterious, are interested in the unknown things, if you look is a sexy, mysterious and dangerous woman, you are caught his interest.He breakdown you like to use the eyes of an eagle, you return to him the same vision, tightly pegged to his eyes, with a elusive smile, as if you see through the game in his brain, as his soul.

He likes to play the game of power, but he is more like a challenging opponent.To behave are full of confidence and strength, you don't like a green hand of wet behind the ears.

  What do you wear?

Wearing a short black leather skirt, sexy black leather jacket, wearing black sunglasses, sprinkle with rich high-end musky perfume, extremely sexy and unique makeup, he has her eye on you.

  Where is the date?

The lights fan bar, or the presence of a powerful party.

  Talk to him?

Talking with his profound and mysterious (don't talk about those superficial topics).Tell him: "as if we had met there?"He will ask you: "where?""I!"Even if he does not believe that the soul can cycle (usually he believes), your unique has shaken his soul.

He is looking for his soul mate, life will he be to any soul, supernatural experiences are interested in.You know a little about astrology, psychology, sex, the stock market, a power struggle, and so on related knowledge, you will be able to keep his continue to pay attention to you.

For any of the questions he raised, don't give him a answer that everyone can see, puns, riddles and asked that he get more excited.

  The be fond of him

He likes to explore the secret, he likes to participate into the intense individual campaign (boxing, running, climbing), he likes to sexual activity, like the soul, death, psychological aspects of exploration, he likes to get the final victory, like being acknowledged, like in the dark observing others.He doesn't like being analyzed, enquiry, do not like to expose their own privacy, do not like to be flattered and praise too much, do not trust strangers easily.

  His basic needs

He needs to security, control, and invincible strength.Whether emotional or physical, he needs to have a double protection.

In fact, he need the power of the power, control, control is to prevent the control of others.Power and force can he aroused his pulse current, however, his most urgently needed for safe, he most need a home of his own safety, therefore, he needsTo get married

  His fear

His most fear of losing control, whether their feelings or situation of the external world, he is especially afraid of being controlled by others, so he tried to not to reveal themselves.

He is afraid of being rejected, he passively waiting for.Abandoned after he was afraid of falling in love cannot extricate oneself, he tries not to let you stuck too deep, but he need the deep feelings of others, so he often is in the throes of knitted herself.

His confusion about death often bothered him, sometimes he felt afraid, but in the end he can psychologically beyond death and rebirth.

  He is eager to women

He ratio who all need woman, love a woman, but he was able to let his few truly empathetic confidante.He is very keen to let him feel safe, reliable, guaranteed women, although he often attracted by sexy woman, but his heart is full of doubt to them.He is a hunter willing, usually he is able to attract, the temptation woman, it seems that he is not keen, actively pursue women, however, a woman he can carefully calculating their jumped out of the trap.Yet, those who jumped out of his prematurely trap of woman, he thinks she is simple and shallow, not safe, let him feel boring quickly.

His inner world to store a deep, warm affection, his whole life to seeking a into his loneliness and deep soul, understand his esoteric world of woman, she can ignite his feelings of volcanoes.But he is such a complex person, he is reluctant to emotionally enslaved.He was filled with crazy possessive desire for the woman he loved, his woman should also know his security needs, can't let him have any unsafe fear.His behavior with a double standard, he asked for her high, should not only be his possession, not to possess him.

Emotional, he is very introverted, passive, he is not willing to express myself too much, but he has a strong emotional pressure in the bottom of my heart, as a result, he is eager to that kind of perceptive, intuition, strong woman, she can touch his soul, to help him sort out complex feelings of the mess, he she is from the bottom of a sensitive and kind person.

He is an extremely sexy animals, sex, for him, is a psychological, soul and body blending.He yearned for his woman can understand his deep understanding of sex, his feeling, soul through sexual intercourse to the woman, the woman to keep up with the pace of his sexual desire, a don't like his sex, passive, like a on do sexDead fishWomen who are not ideal.

As a man, he is too complicated to make himself to feel pain, therefore, what he and the woman are together can not be fully satisfied.But, after all, he needs a woman and of her.

In astrology, he represents the male reproductive organs, you can imagine how much he sexual power.His sexual ability let many women brain often confusing, if he put his feelings into it, he will be a woman the most unforgettable man, his sexy charm makes him often to manipulate a woman.

Sex, he like a volcano, he seems to be a carnivore, sex is his capture, beat women, control women's secret weapon.He knew that his sexy natural power, he instinctively know how to ignite fire of a woman.

Sex for a lot of people may be simple to organ is pleasant, but he must use the intense emotional price, will be able to feel happiness and joy.For him, sex is a mind and body, sex only two souls in one process.Sex is a process of death and rebirth, he through sexual contact with his soul, is also the way he express the deep love, sex is also a struggle for power.

He is a master of sex, his mysterious eyes to see you one eye, you can not but have the impulse of desire.In the process of sex, he like a hypnotist, he was able to quietly sent you to a state of trance.He is highly sensitive, warm, he is not a self vent sexual desire of man, he knows how to meet the needs of women.Usually, he has a persistent unremitting power, he is not violent, rude, only satisfy the desire of man body, he was not the sort of at the end of the 3 minutes (or less) is the task of man.Most of the situation, he let you eternal life does not forget that in bed.

He needs to occupy the control position on anything, when he found himself in the emotional attachment to you, or he was controlled by you, especially when he found you in use sex to manipulate him, he can suddenly retreat without feelings.If he is to separate emotional and sexual, he will be a very terrible cold-blooded animals.

  If you want to keep with his looks

To do this:

You should learn some jung and Freud's psychology, so that you can understand his unconscious realms.

You want unconditional love him, he was able to see through others motivation expert, he hate deception and being used.

Always seems very mysterious, let he can't figure out.

Make a strong, independent, dignity of woman, so he would hate to give up you.

Dedicated, patiently listen to his speech, he hated concentration.

Give him some lonely time, he needs through the contemplation of both the time alone to recharge.

Don't do it:

Don't go to any man, his jealousy among the twelve zodiac man.

Don't lie to him, even if you are kind, he would rather face

To bloody true, also don't want to be blind.

Don't endure any of his bully, he doesn't like the weak.

Don't expose your weaknesses.

  If you break up

He broke up with you:

If he decides to separate with you, usually because he don't think you can worthy of his fierce sexual ability, you can't bring him any meaningful content, or you are too superficial and he felt or his longing for the more powerful woman.

, another new sweetheart at this time, he usually don't eager to you can use warmth retaining him, don't in front of his tears, cry, it can only make him more firmly for his departure.When he was rude, mean ruthless.You only accept happily, as if this is your long-awaited wedding, this will let him doubt his decision.You strut gone, left him at least a mystery.

You break up with him:

He may be the world's most difficult to get rid of.Even if he and you have no feelings, he is not willing to, you threw away because of his pride more honorable than his feelings.Whatever you go to the end of the world, he is able to find you like a detective.You'd better 6, fled abroad or to drill holes.If he rationally agreed to break up with you, it is more terrible.Because, sooner or later he will let you know the traitors, you only waiting for punishment.He is also likely to surpass ourselves to sublimate you brought him blow, he would suddenly rise, with his great let you use the rest of life regret, this is the greatest revenge to you and blow.

You need careful planning, he believed that the mysterious things, find a specific function or astrologers, tell him, he will meet his life soul mate, the man will bring his unprecedented opportunities.Of course, that person is certainly not you.

  Adjust your expectations

With him, you will live in two world, hell and heaven.He can be a good man of a loyal and deep, also can be the darkest bad men, it depends on his stage of development, is a phoenix nirvana, is still a Lord of hell...No matter he is angel or devil, he will not easily out of marriage, he would abandon in the moment of crisis you more.

If you can transcend sublimation with him, he can be your eternal soul in heaven.If he was a dark scorpion, the complex and profound man no matter and who live together can make your own pain, he has enormous destruction strength, he can let you experience what is a dark and dangerous, you have ended the innocent, brilliant.His performance is his greatest secret weapon, but his sexual paradise is much more than you need to the feelings of moist.If you are able to grasp him, he can be invincible, he can master the totalitarian in any field.

With his life, you is not easy to have a secret, you must stay loyal, his laser eyes can penetrate.No matter you are confident, strong or weak, docile, he can use the unstoppable passion drown you, crush you with invincible sexy strength, he can use of unfathomable mystery confused you.If you have a victory over the man's secret weapon, will fail in his body, you can't beat him, you only use love to melt him.

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