Belong to the Sagittarius fresh pickle moon cake DIY

Belong toSagittariusFresh pickle moon cake DIY

Fresh pickle mooncakes

Prepare materials:

The outermost layer of skin part: 100 g strong flour, 30 grams of fat, water 40 grams.Lard is the smell of mom bought suet own boil, vegetable oil can't replace, will lack the feeling of crisp.

Pastry part: 75 g strong flour, lard 25 grams.

Filling parts: pickle and minced meat and salt, sugar, chicken essence, cooking wine, dry starch into stuffing.Meat do not choose the streaky, oil is too much, heard mother choice is the essence, pickle is optional ZhaCaiTou.

Belong to Sagittarius fresh pickle mooncakes DIY_ twelve constellation

Begin to do:

1.The outermost layer of skin and into the dough, wake up 10 minutes.The so-called, is to make the fermentation.

2.Pastry and into the dough to wake for 10 minutes.

3.The outermost layer of skin part cut into each size is 15 grams of small ball, pastry part is divided into size 10 grams of pellets.

4.The outermost layer of skin part of the small ball rolling flat, package into the pastry portion of the small group, convergent down rolling planish, with one hand to coil downward from above to come over again, then rolling flat rolled up again.This step is to do 2 times or 3 times.When the second roll shape is a little longer, the roll degree is more, level will be better.

5.All ready to wake up again after 15 minutes.

6.Will wake up good meringue flattening rolling flat bag into the fresh pickle, convergent down.

7.Brush oil pan, will make the pickle moon cake in the pan, the brush on the egg liquid, black sesame seed on the ornament, set aside.

8.Preheat oven to 170 ℃, empty burned for 10 minutes.10 minutes and then put the spare mooncakes in middle bake for about 30 minutes, intermediate paint two egg liquid.The last time I brush egg liquid, don't leave the oven, observe the color, don't be burned.(The zodiac /astro/)

A friend without the oven can keep spare moon cake in the pan Fried, don't go in the pan.Because face are lard and into the dough, frying time will naturally have oil.When I was in the pan Fried don't rub the moon cake so round, rub and squash with the hand a little pressure.Moreover, frying, because the moon cake skin is thick, the filling is not easily cooked inside, fry the meat pickle in advance to the package again.Thus, frying time just outside the Fried, color is golden brown.

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