Belongs to Capricorn sugar-free black hemp moon cake DIY

Belongs to Capricorn sugar-free black hemp moon cake DIY

Sugar-free black hemp moon cakes

Leather formula:

1, low flour, 5000 g, 2, 1400 grams of oil, 3, 3750 g maltitol solution, 4, 75 g alkaline, 5, and fresheggsYellow is 1000 grams.

Method: skin

1, maltitol solution and alkaline first mix;

Stir in 2, add 1 oil;

Stir well within three, sift flour add 2, magnetic embellish;

4, dough wake up 30 minutes before using.


1, 40000 g sugar free dark linen paste (commercial)

Belongs to Capricorn sugar-free black hemp mooncakes DIY_ the zodiac


1, moon cake skin, filling the proportion of 2:8.

2, press into a flat piece of crust, pack into paste, into the mold, by hand press flat compaction, make mooncakes pattern is clear, and upon the mold, code into the pan, brush or spray water.

3, moon cake baking points, the second is: (1) baked to microstrip yellow, brush from egg yolk liquid surface;(2) the moon cake baked until golden surface, no green wall, arch the back.

4, temperature, heat 220 degrees Celsius, 190 degrees Celsius under fire.(The zodiac /astro/)

5, quality requirements, clear and full against shape decorative pattern, bread waist slightly convex, cake does not concave surface shrinkage, no burrs, blowout, leakage of filling, skin filling clingy.Cortical perfectly soft, sweetness, epidermis sandstones, shining, at the bottom of a shallow brown

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