Aquarius wife manual, please read carefully before using

Aquarius:The wife the instructions, please read carefully before using

Aquarius wife manual, please read carefully before using _ the zodiac

Item description: Aquarius wife

Date of production: water bottle (1.21-2.19), the year of the user to select.

Main ingredients: 60% innovation, pioneering spirit, rebellious 30%, frank, 8%, 2% independently.

Applicable people: about career dreams and desires, attaches great importance to the friendship, eager to learn and rich inspiration.

Main functions:

1, the use of this product can create novel for you every day.

2, this product is your mascot, can let relatives and friends closer relationship with your family, their own people are willing to help in case of difficulty.

3, can be a source of inspiration, you stimulate your thinking divergence.


1, don't forced to execute the command, otherwise it is easy to cause the out of control.

2, should not be set too many rules for the goods, so as to avoid chaos because of short circuit.

3, need not worry, about the excessive it has automatic debugging system.

4, should make the goods away from lies, it has a sensor lies, once identify induction to lie, will have a loss on internal systems.

5, the condition of the product occur when cold when hot, belongs to the normal phenomenon.

6, use which may be neglected, that causes the user the feeling of confusion.

7, user is difficult to solve the problems, please don't do STH without authorization to process the goods at random, may consult friends find a way to deal with, if still not valid only directly to the civil affairs department for research.

Taboo: stubborn, defend traditional are prohibited.

Storage: this product should be placed in free broad space, avoid extrusion.

Packing: in all kinds of rich individual character and fashionable elements of packaging materials.

Note: this product has the uniqueness, do not copy, cherish.

The test items, gifts, decided to use, since the accountability.

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