Aries husband instruction manual, please read carefully before using

Item description:AriesThe husband

"Production date" ram month (March 21 - April 20), year of unlimited.

【 main ingredient 】 gentleness is 15%, 60%, specificity 20%, romantic 5%.

【 functions 】

1, enthusiasm and vigor of conductor.

2, the security of life.

Aries husband instruction manual, please read carefully before using _ the zodiac

【 suitable crowd 】

1, know indulge the characteristics of this product.

2, to affirm the product.

3, smallA womanThe best rely on.

【 precautions 】

1, the use of this product, please cooperate with its work rhythm, otherwise the user will be the product has good operation.

2, take good care of family property, avoid the product consumption or misuse.

3, users of the goods strictly control, the effect of will affect the operation of this product, even the strike could be happening.

4, please refer to the product size matters in the home, otherwise the product will lose the value of existence.

5, this product does not have important anniversary to remind function, so users do not unhappy for this.

6, a user is difficult to solve the problems, please don't do STH without authorization to process the goods at random, may consult friends find a way to deal with, if still not valid only directly to the civil affairs department for research.

【 taboo 】 mother-in-law mother and extremely dependent on others not use;Haggle over every ounce, very illusive, please don't close to;This product for "too little money" user evaluation is sensitive, use face to face is easy to cause sudden tragedy, be cautious.

Time to transfer the goods to storage 】 【 exciting environment, charging for it;Do not put the goods to another person to use, otherwise the consequence is proud.

【 packing 】 can highlight style in the workplace material to pack its advisable.(The zodiac/astro/)

【 note 】 use after a period of time, this product is seen in the middle of the expansion, belongs to the normal phenomenon, will not affect the normal use;If there are any failure of the use of other effects, can be sent to the hospital related department for repair.

Aries husband instruction manual, please read carefully before use

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