Leo wife manual, please read carefully before using

LeoThe wife the instructions, please read carefully before using

Leo wife manual, please read carefully before using _ the zodiac

Item description: Leo's wife

Date of production: the lion month (7.23-8.22), year of on-demand.

Main ingredients: 51% of dignity, pride, 24% generous 18%, determined by 5%, 2% kindness.

Main functions:

1, can be used in art deco style residence, guaranteed to achieve the splendid results.

2, can become the user's career booster, can not only ACTS as a scepter, also can remove obstacles for you.

3, occasionally will show in front of friends, you can hold the full face.

4, she is still a direction, will give you lead in all aspects.

Applicable people: career ideal and suitors, this product can give praise and loyalty.


1, the product inside and outside the hardened solid texture, need not worry about soft and fragile, but best can occasionally on its surface with diamond, ore in gold, platinum, etc on the exquisite beautiful objects, for maintenance.

2, earning power consumption is very strong, if not properly controlled, users credit CARDS, passbook will be declared null and void.

3, is unfavorable to the goods often buy home, prevent mildew rust, and avoid the loss of overqualified.

4, before its not complete failure, do not use other similar products, in order to avoid you homeless, from now on can't afford to the goods to you.

5, despicable behavior, humiliated, please turn over a new leaf after use, in order to avoid the product produce all kinds of obstacles, so as not to be near you.

6, the timid person there will be a failure.

7, may occur when using the oppressed, masculinity is play, feel is not needed, if you can keep the attitude optimistic peace, this phenomenon can be lifted.

8, user is difficult to solve the problems, please don't do STH without authorization to process the goods at random, may consult friends find a way to deal with, if still not valid only directly to the civil affairs department for research.

Taboo: allergic to be controlled, depending on the money such as life, breadth of mind such as needle is disabled.

Storage: should be placed in the place of the more the merrier, often with their friends to participate in social activities, party, entertainment, let her feel the need, function.

Packing: in a variety of brocade, fur, sequins gorgeous materials such as packaging, precious gold and silver jewelry to ornament.Packaging color to red and gold are the most suitable.

Note: this product has the uniqueness, do not copy, cherish.(The zodiac /astro/)

The test items, gifts, decided to use, since the accountability.

Leo wife manual, please read carefully before use

The duke of zhou interprets of query