Leo husband instruction manual, please read carefully before using

Item description:LeoThe husband

"Production date" lion month (July 23 - August 22), year of unlimited.

【 main ingredient 】 vitality, dictatorship, dignity, 18% 23% and 52% 17%, bold.

【 function 】 1, rob, security, safety and reliability.2, for the high grade, gorgeous items can be accurate recognition and appreciation.3, for users to create rich material life.

Leo husband instruction manual, please read carefully before using _ the zodiac

Suitable crowd 】 【 contribution affirm to our goods to praise is preferred, understand themselves and can appreciate the goods form the user preferred.

【 precautions 】

1, the work of the goods to affirm in time, the goods will be frustrated and won't be able to continue to operate.

2, in the presence of others, as far as possible to praise and promote the quality function, can have the effect of charging.

3, hard on the goods for operation, will inevitably cause operation failure or circuit burn and smoke.

4, when the goods appears underpowered, users need to surprise on the goods for the transport of energy.

5, this product in the production of money ability is very high, but also efficient cost money, users should be properly will most property management.

6, such as user cannot solve the problems in use process, can be consulting.

【 taboo 】 like cold water, do not know for being disabled;Don't like being controlled, there will be side effects after using;The product such as "I need not your tube" instruction is sensitive, use is easy to cause sudden tragedy, careful.

【 storage 】 the implantation in high style, occasionally one has to take it to the crowds.

【 packing 】 highlight the noble quality of fabric is given priority to, and precious jewelry is complementary.It is forbidden to wear green hat.(The zodiac/astro/)

【 note 】 use after a period of time, this product is seen in the middle of the expansion, belongs to the normal phenomenon, will not affect the normal use;If there are any failure of the use of other effects, can be sent to the hospital related department for repair.

Leo husband instruction manual, please read carefully before use

The duke of zhou interprets of query