Virgo man instructions, please read carefully before using

Item description:virgoThe husband

Production date 】 【 virgin month (August 23rd - September 22), year on-demand.

【 main ingredient 】 60% responsibility, devoted 20%, neat and 18%, 2% favor.

【 function 】 1, have family living arrangements and family planning comprehensive program.2, trust and rely on the best arm.3, strong guarantee of a well-off life.

Applicable people like stable life 】 users, high self-discipline is suitable for use.

Virgo man instructions, please read carefully before using _ the zodiac

【 precautions 】

1, the product structure is relatively weak, the user cannot attack on the language.

2, can't mess this schedules, lest awry.

3, don't forced to complete a task, independent can make its beside them or others act as assistant.

4, users when using this product, please keep the room clean.

5, don't make a fool of this product, in order to avoid the product in operation.

6, if users encounter insurmountable obstacles, please advice, so as not to repair, not in time to apply to the civil affairs bureau for multifarious procedures of exchange.

【 taboo 】 do not earnestly, like the escapist, life habits slovenly, please try to keep their distance;Users have the right to give this product a nickname, but the product such as "sissy" nickname is sensitive, easy to cause sudden tragedy, careful.

【 storage 】 this product is fond of quiet, like the normal temperature, the same living environment is the best storage conditions.

【 packing 】 generally use clean crisp fabric for packaging.(The zodiac/astro/)

【 note 】 use after a period of time, this product is seen in the middle of the expansion, belongs to the normal phenomenon, will not affect the normal use;If there are any failure of the use of other effects, can be sent to the hospital related department for repair.

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