Virgo wife manual, please read carefully before using

virgoThe wife the instructions, please read carefully before using

Virgo wife manual, please read carefully before using _ the zodiac

Item description: virgo wife

Production date: virgin month (August 23 to September 22), the year can be ordered according to the requirements of customers.

Main ingredients: meticulous, 60% 15% critical spirit, cleanliness, 15%, 10% of inferiority.

Main functions: this product is senior sweepers, defect identification instrument, robot capable of housekeeping.

Applicable people: mild, not command the user of the product, clean, industry users the best.


1, the product's environment should always clean up, if there is dust and other sundry, the goods will enter a state of madness.

2, when the product continuously noises, users, please use the method of rational response, avoid by all means make complaints.

3, use during user will own faults correction or disguised as far as possible, otherwise there will be operation the goods failure.

4, if users do not know how to respect the product work achievement, will be the goods of different resistance.

5, and found this product if you have any question, can timely correction, the goods will be able to better play to its function.

6, a user is difficult to solve the problems, please don't do STH without authorization to process the goods at random, may consult friends find a way to deal with, if still not valid only directly to the civil affairs department for research.

Taboo: unkempt users, careless users should not be using the product.

Storage: this product should be kept in a clean environment.

Packing: with a clean and comfortable cloth to package can be it.

Note: this product has the uniqueness, do not copy, cherish.

The test items, gifts, decided to use, since the accountability.

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