Aquarius: winning a magic weapon to defeat the rival

Aquarius:Winning a magic weapon to defeat the rival

We: Aquarius personality and unique attract men gaze may be, but in love time after a long, but easy to neglect their own dress dress up, and neglect of their partner's needs and feelings.It is easy to understand the deep meaningA womanDrill the space.

Enemy:It's hard to imagine a woman would be willing to share the same man with another woman, and Aquarius is.Her this "generous", how can not get to enjoy his people the blessing of a man's heart, and more reflect your "mean".

Tactics against them:

Aquarius beat rival the winning a magic weapon of _ the zodiac

Taste this thing whether in love or marriage, are indispensable, the more get along with time is long, the more want to keep this advantage, kiss, for the other half want to maintain enthusiasm for a long time.To deal with the bottle this kind of attacking a romantic rival, in order to usurp the role of "the weak", to make friends with her, after talking in front of her boyfriend, slag, completely kill him in her image.(The zodiac /astro/)

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