Taurus winning a magic weapon to defeat the rival

TaurusWinning a magic weapon to defeat the rival

We are:In love Taurus suspicious worry constant thought, will give each other a sense of stubborn and repetitive, so it's easy to let some informal section, funny passionate man robbed the limelight.

Enemy:Calm calm, slow the Taurus rival in love always gives people a sense of security and peace of dignified, calm harbor, is a lot of boys pursue plus reason shrewd mind, instead of attacking a romantic rival in the face of such bad easily laid hands on him.

Taurus beat rival the winning a magic weapon of _ the zodiac

Tactics against them:

Either pursuing or want to save each other's attitude you are always not enough, in fact, at ordinary times as long as the free and easy, straightforward, don't let the other side always gloomy at you serious face, he will not easily let others go.Treat Taurus slow rival in love is to fight, can't let rival in love will have the chance to play advantage or thinking approach slowly, while they haven't had time to develop quickly put her away.(The zodiac /astro/)

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