Scorpio winning a magic weapon to defeat the rival

ScorpioWinning a magic weapon to defeat the rival

We are:The possessive Scorpio will, no one is stronger, don't love it, love hot like fire.Paranoia and love, where are the other half uptick, tender and thoughtful man is easy to enter.

Enemy:Belligerence, fanaticism and uncompromising spirit is the most horrific Scorpio rival in love, she will stop at nothing to get the person you like, if she can't get things will not allow others to get.

Tactics against them:

Scorpio beat rival the winning a magic weapon of _ the zodiac

Your charm and considerate care are to the right place, just your personality is too strong, if you wish to correct competitive good avoid side, often beautiful dress, more trust each other, don't waste of blowing to win back the lover's heart.Will know how to avoid and treat Scorpio rival in love, not to argue with her, not angered by her, once she bared ferocious face, a man would be her away.(The zodiac /astro/)

Success index:80%

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