Gemini winning a magic weapon to defeat the rival

GeminiWinning a magic weapon to defeat the rival

We are:Nifty lively is really attractive, but it is too fickle and neurotic too insecure to each other, your relationship once single-minded to love, and has mature lasting appeal people involved, your position is easy.

Enemy:You should be thankful that this kind of rival in love although there are a lot of smart, but it's too easy to emotional, moody, don't take everything "write" on the face, can see through.

Tactics against them:

Twins winning a magic weapon to beat rival _ the zodiac

Don't lie to lovers, if found, the other party will no longer believe you easily.You must identify your foibles, corrected, and talk to each other, understand each other's state of mind.If want to beat the Gemini rival in love, want to show your generosity and composed, give more lover understanding and considerate, with clear contrast, rival in love can be broken down.(The zodiac /astro/)

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Twins winning a magic weapon to beat rival in love

The duke of zhou interprets of query