Sagittarius: winning a magic weapon to defeat the rival

SagittariusWinning a magic weapon to defeat the rival

We: striker self-awareness and lack of sense of responsibility is sometimes easy to partner too strong or too selfish feeling, you love freedom nature you will blame them.So easily replaced by exquisite and considerate man.

Enemy:Sagittarius rival's competitiveness is very strong, the more the more competitive enough to carry her interest in hunting.But there are things to the disadvantage of only three minutes heat, once lost, novelty promptly, the feelings are no exception.

Tactics against them:

Sagittarius beat rival the winning a magic weapon of _ the zodiac

With your enthusiasm, a bright and cheerful disposition, dynamic, want to capture a man's heart is not difficult, as long as you are willing to put yourself in for each other, take the love of the play, don't spurned lover to other things, to win back your love will be you.And in the face of Sagittarius rival in love, even if you do nothing, when you have more to arouse her conquest of the opposite sex, she naturally transfer target.(The zodiac /astro/)

Success index:90%

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