Despite winning a magic weapon to defeat the rival

AriesWinning a magic weapon to defeat the rival

We are:Ram is a man of great self-awareness, often simply their feelings, straight to straight, speak all lr 3, less a tender and considerate, so it's easy to let others into their territory of love.

Enemy:Competitive gameness and possessiveness, competitive, are the typical characteristics of Aries rival in love, the more you care about the feelings, the more performance in front of her success in the will, she'll slug with you!

Aries beat rival the winning a magic weapon of _ the zodiac

Tactics against them:Warm and cheerful, with direct nature is your biggest advantage, you can use nifty eyes when speaking to let the person feel you different, right to humorous joke talk to each other, this will let each other have a deep impression on you.While attacking a romantic rival to ram supercilious, perseverance, pine tight, surface pretend as if nothing happened is the best way.(The zodiac /astro/)

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