Taurus summer drink to raise colour

Niuniu is quite patient, persistent attentively, do things on the computer all day long, hard to avoid can forget to drink water, forget the activity, make the body hot and dry heat, therefore, to pay more attention to related to the neck area, such as: throat, gums, and the middle ear, tonsils, thyroid, a small heart evil.For Taurus not meat huan, the "black and white chicken feet soup" is the most suitable, the temperature of yiqi, niuniu thoughts on best.

Taurus summer drink what raise colour _ the zodiac

Ingredients: black soybean is 150 grams, 300 g chicken feet and structure.baiwei 20 grams.


1 pick to impurities, black beans, soaked with water for 30 minutes, spare;Rinse chicken feet, put in the boiling water pot, very hot after appearing out of water;Structure.baiwei with gauze wrapped and tied tightly.(The zodiac /astro/)

Water in the pan, add 2, black beans, structure.baiwei and chicken feet, useThe fireAfter the boil, skim floating foam, add cooking wine in a fire at the stewed to black beans, chicken feet are crisp, add salt, principle to taste.

Taurus summer drink, raise relevant content

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