Sagittarius summer drink to raise colour

forSagittariusRecommended soup is "jade qi jade tofu soup", it clear bright color, tender, and raise colour jersey, skin, liver and stomach.Like to stay up late at night (skin is dark yellow, adverse detoxification), like with friends againdrinkingStriker dinner party (against liver), will be a good health body.

Raw material: medlar 12 grams, jade bamboo 10 grams, 400 grams, rapeseed heart tender bean curd 250 grams.


1, to rape to root abluent, cut into cross with the edge of the sword;

2, 1, 000 ml water, fry pan boiling pour into a postage stamp, add salt to 3 g, for 3 minutes remove;

Sagittarius summer drink what raise colour _ the zodiac

3, the pot to add a few vegetable oil, oil temperature hot nowadays fifty percent rapeseed heart, slightly after add water, a small amount of salt, remove to the plate.(The zodiac /astro/)

4, add soup pot, medlar, jade bamboo, boil 6 minutes, add tofu, salt to a boil, with wet starch flour, pour into rapeseed heart plate.

Sagittarius summer drink, raise relevant content

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