Capricorn summer drink to raise colour

Capricorn have one worry type personality, always be agitated, irritable and anxious mood imprison.As is known to all, want to have more people, the hair is yellow white easily.So, let "laver corn eyebrow bean soup" to save your hair, nourish dry hair.At the same time, laver and corn are food of magnesium content is higher, it can make muscles, nerve relax, let you are not work down.

Ingredients: seaweed 19 grams 75 grams, 2 period of corn cob, eyebrow beans, lotus seeds, lean meat 225 grams 75 grams, 2 slices ginger, salt.


1, laver soaked for a while, drain water after washing clean.

2, clean corn, beans and lotus seed eyebrow.

Capricorn summer drink what raise colour _ the zodiac

3, wash lean lean, under and then rinse clean.(The zodiac /astro/)

4, boil water, into the corn, the eyebrow beans, lotus seeds, lean meat and ginger, water to boil for about 90 minutes over after rolling, into the laver to boil for 30 minutes, the salt.

Capricorn summer drink, raise relevant content

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