Gemini summer drink to raise colour

Vibrant Gemini likes to run around to avoid, and basically eat a lot of dust, and irregular diet, therefore, can want to pay more attention to the lung and stomach.Boil a pot of kelp green beans with papaya papaya soup "lily" kelp, heat-clearing and detoxicating and dryness, but wash smoked in the lungs, and also don't want to eat away the summer boredom.

Ingredients: seaweed 38 grams 900 g, 75 g mung bean, papaya, lily 38 grams, dried tangerine or orange peel 1 small piece of 300 g, lean meat, salt.


1, kelp water soak for a minute, wash clean.

2 clean, green beans and lily.

Gemini summer drink what raise colour _ the zodiac

3, papaya peeled, seeded and cut slabs.

4, dried tangerine or orange peel maceration scrape off the flesh.

After 5, wash lean lean, under a rinse.(The zodiac /astro/)

6, boil water, put in kelp, mung bean, papaya, lily, dried tangerine or orange peel, and lean meat, water roll change slow boil for about 2 hours, the salt.

Gemini summer drink, raise relevant content

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