Gemini how to hide their true temperament

The world out a face, a face that take the door, when you go out is true temperament are hidden, some people will use the smile to disguise themselves, some people will use strong to hide yourself, thenGeminiHow to conceal his true temperament?

Gemini soul has two souls, for their different performance just the transformation of character, but for others is to hide the true temperament, actually just because Gemini will show some side, the other side and to let others see, the others naturally can only know which side of the Gemini, so there would be misunderstanding Gemini is in the hide the true temperament.

How to conceal his true temperament _ Gemini zodiac

They cover is never own temperament, just follow one's inclinations of want to show a different side of it, it is like a game for them, they hope to be able to play a different pattern, therefore is volatile, let a person cannot ponder.

But sometimes Gemini is also in disguise, that is, they really love never showed close, instead more cold, if they really hate a person will make you clearly feel his dislike of you, and they hide to others like just cold, can let a person feel like an outsider.

They have a hide method that is to laugh, not smile, but laugh, they smile, always can let a person feel warm and sunshine if they smile, won't have anyone to doubt they are sad, because they give a person feel like smileThe childSon got the gift of time.(The zodiac /astro/)

They have a cover the disposition method that is kidding, they are recognized as like some harmless joke, always like to the truth, in the form of jokes, let a person cannot tell it is true or false.

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