The joy of Taurus who is elected

12 zodiac who isTaurusThe comedy duo?Everyone has the characteristics of let a person in distress situation, but some people even if every time is of the character you want, but it's still in your side to accompany you, when you need to warm to give you a hug, we usually call this relationship comedy duo, today is to introduce the who is a Taurus comedy duo 12 zodiac signs?

Taurus personality is stubborn, although more accommodating usually, looks no principles, but look carefully they will find no matter how much their attitude is gentle, as long as they decide not to do even if you say they can't do more, sometimes easy to bore tip, so that they will have what kind of comedy duo?

Taurus comedy duo who _ the zodiac

Taurus comedy duo:Aquarius:

Taurus steadfast steady, always don't like change, the pursuit of stability, stronger principle, while Aquarius is loose, a casual attitude in all things, like the life of excitant, don't like the same, ideas are changing at any time.

Taurus and Aquarius together always have their own respective want to do, the direction is always different, no one can persuade each other, and two people always fight each other, not directly recognize the advantages of each other.

Two people together Taurus would seem to be more relaxed, this is also influenced by Aquarius, become more open, but too open as a result, two people together will always do some strange things.

Such as a whim to fool someone, this time they are more harmonious, Taurus behind, Aquarius superb acting, absolutely took one leng one leng of others;Or to drink drunk, and then go to find someone else deliriously intoxicated;An appointment or two people to play two days and two nights of the game;Or two people to a who also can not find their trip...(The zodiac /astro/)

They together of the time relationship is harmonious, although always blow to make fun of each other, but it didn't affect the friendship between them, sometimes the others also wonder why two individual character is completely similar, but the relationship is so good, and then understand each other.

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