Aquarius: the joy of who is elected

Aquarius:People look very easy to get along with, also is very easy to get along with, general rarely conflict with people, but not without,ScorpioWho is a, please see below 12 zodiac signs is Aquarius joy twister

Aquarius and Scorpio is a pair of comedy duo, although two people always return to each other, look who also does each other, but two people can always meet, then we'll take a look at this sign and Scorpio this pair of comedy duo is how to get along with

Aquarius people at ordinary times to not familiar with the one who is, won't so casual, but once, and you are familiar with the later will become very poison tongue, and this one special love mouth shut, and the person you like to have, especially like to see people beaten appearance, was a radical, many times in the crowd booing people have them.

Aquarius: who is the comedy duo of _ the zodiac

Scorpio is particularly don't like Aquarius and groaning restless, see they triumph will not consciously want to throw cold water on, so their poison tongue function has also been stimulated, imagine two tongue but also indomitable people together will is what appearance, when they usually hit each other with the people around you will be heading for the hills, quickly away from the battlefield, because they all don't want to be a cannon fodder.

Aquarius and Scorpio belong to mouth shut softhearted person, to person to matter at ordinary times is not so sharp, and more rational, and the two of them don't know is a natural aura is wrong or what, two people together will always be filled withThe fireMedicine taste, always refused to bow first.

Aquarius people do to take it easy, you are speaking to play around a bit, but also is very principled, doing things is very serious, sometimes even some unreasonable, are exact and Scorpio are planned, structured, this also reflect incisively and vividly on the job, so two people on the job and more consistent, and there are a lot of ideas are the same, such as when doing business are the same an decisive, don't like slow, pay attention to fast quasi malicious, so two people in the work, instead more prone to appreciate the feelings.

Aquarius and Scorpio's attitude towards the relationship is very similar to some is not the same as others, even in a certain period is very similar to the way they treat affection, young when they appear very devoted, but by the time the mature if you haven't met the people want to spend their lives, so they become very promiscuous.(The zodiac /astro/)

Aquarius and Scorpio is once move true feelings will become extremely rational but extremely crazy, acquisitiveness is very strong, the difference is Aquarius will give to each other should have freedom and space, but it will mentally complete possession of the other party, and Scorpio is all want to possess of body and mind, will control the other person's freedom.

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