Pisces mode and growing in love

Pisces Pisces the Fishes

Prototype: mystic, a dreamer, a poet, prophet, dreamy, romantic idealist

Developmental Aim, development goals

PiscesIs theThe zodiacThe last one.In a sense, this is the highest (highest) signs of the zodiac, is a more realistic, in Pisces, the stakes are highest.We gain and loss is huge.This is a linked with great escape sign - is not escape from this world, but escape from self-awareness expansion of tyranny.

Pisces love in the growth patterns and _ the zodiac

Pisces will make us realize that in the end, we will keep our personality and conscious.We stay out, as if life is a big drama.From this point of view, we had those about the success and failure, and loss of honor and disgrace, "stereotype" is an understatement.The typical Pisces humor is not spicy or cynical.This is completely no sarcasm, here filled with compassion.

At the end of the day, we found that if there is no mystery ethereal, religious language, it is difficult to interpret this type Developmental Aim, development target.This is our consistent cognitive of Pisces.

Any planet was taken on the Pisces will experience a evolutionary journey, full of perceptual cognition, promote growth, with faith and human rationality, there is no relationship.They are direct and mysterious ways associated with deeper dimensions of reality.Think in metaphysics, in the past, people under the influence of Pisces is very sensitive to explore in the field of the heart and soul, but can't put these specific experience in express: the soul of the right connection, contact with the consciousness of teachers, sufficient meditation time.This life will have forced requirement about these things.

Strategies and Resources Strategies and Resources

To achieve the goal of Pisces, we must from soul, rank these labels, and experience the nature of the self.We must go beyond those belong to the role identity of human society.We call this process "meditation".This meditation is not involved in any kind of religious belief system.We are talking about a state of mind: original, don't have to explain, the process of awakening consciousness itself.Close your eyes, take a deep breath, pay close attention to quiet corner of the deep thinking.Pop!This is meditation.Very simple.

This method depends on the quiet space together, until to form a long-term, not pure consciousness awakening of the fracture.If you complete this process, he will begin to really feel their conscious experience, like a person often go to play basketball, over time will form a set of physical conditioning.

Shadow Shawow:

Pisces can distort the mysticism of impulsive or misunderstood meet the impulse, just escape from reality.Will warn the Pisces astrological book before and have sensitivity to alcohol.Now we need to add a few: drug abuse, addicted to TV, food, sex, work, sleep, novel, music, money, art, travel, shopping, tendencies, education, social activism, religion.In fact, all the things we love can become a way of escape.The key is not to give up, the key is to avoid Pisces is trying to disappear in the activity.

Pisces love the sun

Unless you are on the path of self numb darkness, otherwise the sun who is Pisces will be very tender.No sign of romance, so deeply touches the soul.Therefore, for you, love is the only connection adhesive is the basis of spirituality.Like most cliches, we use "spiritual relationship", but the lack of real thoughts.Two Pisces council members will be sitting in church, also can have the experience of many common Presbyterian, but they are not "spiritual relationship".Why is that?In a nutshell, their soul did not happen.Two atheists, on the other hand, quietly sit in front of the fire, silently into the meditation - "the dream" of the flame, like a swahili.They can awareness of each other's presence, they can share the space of imagination, do not need to explain to talk, don't worry will be each other.Two souls in positive touch each other.They entered the consciousness change, still feel communication contact: Pisces's paradise.Once the lovers meet, they must depend on the combination of such highly spiritual contact: quiet, at dusk, quiet woods at the seaside for a walk, or churches, temples, to participate in other forms of meditation group.Engaged in these activities, the couple with Pisces band join together, share: only you understand the feeling of love, happy dance, the relationship between the cosmic joke - they like a magic...Has been to accompany one day with a smile in the face of death.

Pisces rising of love

Pisces rising man wearing a mask of actors, can play any role.They have advantages in society: they can be very good to adapt to any situation, even if is very aggressive, very chaotic situation, let the sun moon in Pisces are harder to deal with the situation.But in relationships, increased Pisces people don't too much of a chameleon's cloak, be alert to cater to their partner's expectation and style.They must conform to the real prototype: constellation mysticism and idealist.The following behaviors is the nature of these prototype instinct: meditation, meditation, and creative activity.If, indulge in a type of relationship, these behavior out of the centre stage of life, a lot of truth is behind the mask of "actor" sacrifice.Many of the true self was abandoned."All the actors of cells must be the most basic behavior to return to the fish: deep dive into the ocean consciousness (consciousness).

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, so rise in Pisces, Neptune is Lord.Pisces rising, from Neptune's house and sign can reflect acquired the main performance in intimate relationships.

The moon in Pisces love (the zodiac/astro /)

Basically, about the sun also applies to moon in Pisces Pisces, but more soft, internalization, in a more intuitive way.In the best state, the moon in Pisces man is like a warehouse, is the highest human desire, such as the potential god in the soul - will be precious, impermanent spiritual into the combination of chemical reaction of the conscious behavior.But the moon in Pisces can also be inactive, subjective, especially such an otherworldly sign.Also, there could be self-sacrifice or the condition of martyrdom, it in the sense of the two methods of psychology and biology (mentally and physically).Learn to ask about his need, learn to actively lead partner into deeper spiritual - for moon in Pisces partner, this skill is crucial to the development of intimate relationships.To encourage sentimental, partner to seriously their needs.They want to learn, don't give up too much.Families, moon in Pisces needs to own home with a sacred temple colors: calm, beautiful, there is another clue of the world.Anyone's aesthetic idea fundamentally away from this one, will let the moon in Pisces people escape from reality, hide in your dream field.

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