Leo mode and growing in love

The Lion, Leo the LionLeo

Archetypes prototype:The king (the queen), performers, clowns, child, movie stars, noble

Developmental Aim, development goals

Leo is the development goal of warm, confident, "the world is in our hands" self expression.This is a kind of sense of security, but not in a cautious way.Leo security comes from the fully approved, they were uncritical, natural language recognition.Leo is pleasant, not deliberate release of passion."I love you, life, I will celebrate for you!"(because our life is not long, and I'd like to add that "I forgive you for life!") to sum up, Leo evolution goal is Joy Joy.The shapeGo to schoolThat in the past, one part is affected by the Leo victims of persecution or refuse, this life in an attempt to change this situation.

Leo growth patterns and _ the zodiac in love

Strategies and Resources Strategies and Resources

Feel good - this is easier said than done.For Leo, joy and spontaneity is not from the sky.This is a special strategy must be taken.In fact, the use of these strategies may be unconscious, but capability.

Leo is a feel injured woman alone.Now she has been in love two weeks - was startled.She wrote a poem, straight cutting inner monologue.Full of enthusiasm.Subject may be too naked, this is love is commonly used in the initial period of development strategy.The dedicated love poem to her lover?Her adventure for...Love also gave the response.Love watching a love poem, can't help moved to tears.They hugged each other.In the middle of the night, she will be more easily than before, spontaneous and love go hand in hand together.

This little story can insight Leo evolutionary strategy: to study the risk, in creative ways to express themselves.If subject self in this way, we won the praise, will feel good right now, for the safety, to their position in society are more sure.Life become more enjoyable, that is the goal of the Leo profile.

What is the resources of the Leo?Creativity, sense of drama, vitality, is more important than life: neat, acclaimed behavior.

Shadow Shawow:

If love is invalid?Maybe,A womanLove said, "I suggest that you don't write poetry."The woman was silent, and never adventure.Maybe she will choose to please others, began to show, desperate to follow the lover, even distorted by herself.Into the shadows to Leo.The first kind, silent, causing arrogant and self-centered.The flame of the Leo can't be suppressed by that way, the only can distort.Second, to please others, inevitably lead to the shallow brand effect, simple happiness without thinking of state like soda advertising.Leo is too hard.

So, what is the solution?Method is very simple: to find an audience, give yourself more appreciated.In order to grow, there are two key: Leo must be left in the world of a truth, this kind of self expression must be appreciated.Is a must to Leo strategy effectively, at the same time satisfy the two conditions: could reputation, creativity and self expression without thinking positive response to this kind of self-expression.Any conditions are not met, the lion is just a hello Kitty, accomplish nothing.

The sun the lion's love

Courtship is the activity of Leo instinct.Our self-expression, tells the story of our own, is indispensable part of a relationship.And give praise each other.There are happy to play.All of these are the sun leos alley.Flowers, love poems, heart-to-heart communication, candles, each other's worship: dating primer which is the sign of Leo.

Leo will easily fall in love.So, in love garden?This, of course, it is also possible, but partner must constantly affirmation and praise.Who are not willing to love become numb, tired.This for the sun the lion is a devastating blow, unless have renewed courtship flame, immediately make love.The sun's energy pure is comes from the concern and attention.Leo will give partners attention. As a result, partner also should have some kind of dramatic style: colour profusion, personable, fashion trends, have a lot of energy.

Up the lion's love

Leo rising may be misunderstood, it is difficult to understand.Mask of the king (or queen), Leo rising people could be expressed and need for recognition, support and attention.Don't be fooled.Behind majesty king bearing, actually carries a strong desire, and discomfort.Meet their needs, you can walk into their world, to break through their defence.If you do not meet these requirements, your relationship is difficult to progress - you will see a statue of stone pharaoh: self-sufficiency, inside collect is sedate, reacted coolly.Leo rising people ruled by the sun, the sun is the Lord, the sun for the spirit of the Lord of the self has the important influence.Placement of the sun also is to observe the predict the main points of the relationship.

The lion's love (The zodiac /astro/)

The moon, the lion also need the same applause, but this need by stealth: this is a kind of expression is not emotional.Cheer for the lion of the moon, you will harvest to his smile, like a beautiful sunrise.The moon the lion has the soul of the performer - they just have not show, unless you give some encouragement.Further observed that the moon is always shy, regardless of the moon in the sign.Moon in Leo, partner must be a compelling and standing in the middle of the stage, widely admired, otherwise the relationship will be filled with the dark atmosphere of aloofness.Creative activity could be a carefully prepared dinner, new "image", also may be more obvious artistic creation.In family life, the moon Leo like "big" - although not lived in a palace, but they will enjoy, and proud of the living environment.

Leo growth patterns and the related contents in love

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