Virgo mode and growing in love

Virgo Virgo the Virginvirgo

Archetypes prototype: servant, martyrs and martyrs, perfectionist, analyst, critic, craftsman art

Developmental Aim, development goals

Purity pure - is virgo's goal.But don't be puzzled by the word "Virgin Virgin".Virgo's pure and no sexual experience.Virgo's goal is to continuously the evolution of the oneself, let oneself's potential to a more pure.Her pure is a form of life, only her identity in her mind the truth, but has not been contaminated by any other.In a nutshell, virgo's aim is to "perfect perfection".Pursuit of perfection an inherent temperament, rather than the human rational choice, but the motive is the lifeblood of a virgo to survive.Any planet were affected by the virgo will experience a evolutionary journey, ready to humility in the face of this period of fate situation, seek guidance or advice, and then grow up.The shape andGo to schoolMoral of the virgo man said in the past, experience the stagnation of some of the soul.Because this kind of vague and uncertain feeling and heart of guilt, is endless to pursue strong precision is created.

Virgo in love growth patterns and _ the zodiac

Strategies and Resources Strategies and Resources

Virgo is the most ideal consciousness is the resource base.Aware of the height of the ideal.Virgo is rigorous and meticulous, serious, explore the essence of things.Pull between reality and ideal, accelerated the growth of the virgo, clear the direction of the virgo.Her tireless, the inner mechanism of confirmation let she hates lazy, refused to complacency.No matter what she had done, she wants to go a step further, she knew she could.Often uninterrupted use clever effective strategy to promote the growth of self, the pursuit of more perfect.

In the middle ages, virgo is a representative of the servant.Key problems are not as careful as warehouse administrator and maid.Service to others is a very effective way of growth.Virgo people to explore, to find your need polishing, shown to the world.In other words, she found that can be improved, closer to perfect.So, she really has the best quality.In a sense, she became the servant of excellent quality.How?It's simple, virgo will spend a lot of time to practice it.

For example, a virgo man is a writer.In her writing, always feel not able to reach her best, she kept writing, writing, strives for perfection, more refined, more expressive, every day.The virgo writer might gossip, but she knew it wasn't her "good quality".This is the key to her questions, when she was writing, have no time to gossip.Gossip hobby is hungry.Excellent quality nourish growth are obtained.

Don't superficial view virgo this strategy.This is very effective, over time, it can fully improve the character,.And we know that virgo's goal, is perfect!

Shadow Shawow:

"This is my ideal.If I am not lazy, fragile, crazy, my life will be like this...On the other hand, I...God, please give me the strength."Perfect is the lover of a stern, she cast the shadow of the serious consequences, bring damaging self-criticism.Virgo must learn to accept yourself, forgive yourself.Or you will get caught cold self-doubt, self destruction, self-limiting mode.If virgo down by this poison, she will soon be in the next shadow: the outcomes of picky.

The sun virgins love:

In relationships, the most appreciate two qualities: virgo mature pragmatic attitude and strive to grow (excellence).She may not use this a few word, but if their partner did not have this different quality, virgo will walk away.Under the banner of realism, we appreciate the clear logical thinking, ability of mind, patience, and perhaps ambition - these qualities will help us to survive in the real world.Efforts to grow: under the influence of virgo, we appreciate the honest tolerant to accept criticism, readily face their own shortcomings and defects, efforts to make corrections, and do better.

Virgos love can continue, this love can continue to change and grow.Her will help put the idea of new projects, new refining the idea into a feasibility plan.She may be in the blank of life, but it is very short.After experienced something, virgos are hard to simple believe love need to constantly prove love and love is trustworthy.

From the side view, virgo perfectionist tendencies will let her to nag strictures, trust, the criticism will corrosion damage spontaneity, unable to share the joy of love.Similarly, virgo the shadow of self doubt, will lead to an act of self-destruction, choosing partners numbness, selfish, dictatorship.

Rise the virgins love:

Rising virgo manA womanWill be capable of efficient impression.They can quickly obtain the trust of others, at the beginning of the relationship between early, will be consulted for advice or help.They are strict and meticulous precision, so they usually dress dress.Has a strong energy of mercury, virgo people rise could be a talker.Usually, they will be compulsive too attention to detail.Beyond the language and thinking, realize heart throb - this is a virgo rising people have to face the challenge.Work and responsibility to keep them focused, if love make their heart uneasy, they usually do for partner "kill".

Virgo is ruled by mercury, virgo rising, mercury is main.Virgo people rise from mercury falls by the palace and constellation can also affect the intimate relationships, especially on the "field".

The moon virgins love: (The zodiac /astro/)

Mood mode is the nature of the moon, the moon in virgo emotion model is chronic discontent habitual discontent.It is obvious that the shadow of virgo will bring the negative effect: excessive concern, selective nagging, trivial mean, these behaviors can make anyone mad a week.Here we have the treasure: the habitual fidgety dissatisfaction can convert a motivation.Humble attitude of self-evaluation, represents the willing to improve.Virgo partners will be given practical insights and specific help.Struggle for life together, in an orderly way, perseverance, and effective planning.Virgo is ruled by mercury, will spend a lot of energy on the communication: the moon virgo people close relationship depends on the communication freely.If the moon is a virgin who really relax & trust, will be able to let go of self-doubt, step by step to rethink our values.In family life, virgo people tend to perform strict management of the moon, you know, the home is to enjoy happiness, rest, charging place?

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