Sagittarius mode and growing in love

Sagittarius The Archer

Archetypes prototype:The gypsies, pilgrims, explorers and anthropologists, philosophers and scholars.

Developmental Aim, development goals

Life forSagittariusIs a complete exploration of tour.The striker is explorer.Internal driving force of the prompt Sagittarius people never cease, never stopped to explore.To give an accurate definition of Sagittarius people aim?In the final analysis, is the true meaning of life.In the evolutionary astrology, this goal is not a personal must have realised.Most of the time, is the opposite.Whether consciousness, or subconscious level, the development of the fundamental goals or will drive the Sagittarius people to pursue, this driver explains the deep reasons for most of their behavior - some behavior seems incredible, completely meaningless.We can see a soul from Sagittarius pursue evolution path, first of all, they need to focus on the pursuit of a broader mind and the experience of consciousness.Conventional block must be broken.The regional reality view of dull is replaced by the more global perspective.The shapeGo to schoolThe view that in the past, Sagittarius mean thirst for evolution (evolutionary) smashed by relentless reality.So, in this life, want to force yourself to break the shackles, rushed out of the cage.

Sagittarius growth patterns and _ the zodiac in love

Strategies and Resources Strategies and Resources

To pursue the meaning of life!Is this a Don Quixote adventure?For Sagittarius people, this is not a problem.The meaning of life is the problem, or life is meaningless.This is the main resources: Sagittarius they firmly believe in the fate of the random behind is the grand landscape.How to understand the pattern of the secret?To experience, to explore!Sagittarians have a strong desire to break rigid thinking rut.This is Sagittarius strategy.Couldn't open without full freedom, to pursue the wings.So, more than any constellation Sagittarius are carefully, they will not easily make a promise, to hand over sovereignty.Critics of Sagittarius will put the love for freedom interpreted as a commitment phobia.On the individual analysis, this may be right, but in a broader interpretation of Sagittarius, we must recognize that lost freedom, Sagittarius life will wither litter.Very sad, but have to face, it is often difficult to based on free love.

Shadow Shawow:

But love also has the other side: in the exploration of human nature, love can give a person of great freedom and development.What is the meaning of life?Then who knows?But a lot of great humanistic teachers all think, no matter what is the meaning of life, are associated with love.Sagittarius is that they are likely to escape the shadow of the sincere concern - the sincere care only if we put aside everything to each other's fate tied together, no matter how the end will only have.Sagittarius people for life is like a stone glides across the frozen pond, experiential learning as much as possible.Like a song, "synonymous with freedom is nothing."

For Sagittarius, exploration of truth than intimate relationships have more vast sky.Sagittarius people read a good book of comprehend the meaning of life is better than looking through any American library of congress in any volume to get more.The vast, the scenery is beautiful, but strong, dedicated and responsible attitude, whether in love or in the library are also good.

The striker's love

In the realm of love, sagittarians are words on the giant, action dwarf, this is reputation.This frustrating situation is inevitable, but Sagittarius men will be put down to the compulsive betrayal of love, or just a superficial contact feelings, but keep the lonely heart, Sagittarius people must accept the idea of the inevitable, no matter how dynamic relations, there will be a boring part, on the other hand, the soul of the mature love adventure will bring rich experience growth.Ideology is a powerful driving force the Sagittarius, but these ideas must be convincing, stand the test of practice.Spirit empty love, won't make Sagittarius people stay too long, after the experience will feel boring and give up.In addition, for each sun Sagittarius people, freedom is the necessary way to evolution.They must choose and love freedom partner - he has own independent interest and circle of friends, he never stopped pursuing footsteps, and, more importantly, he won't be naive by jealousy, lack of security.Meet these requirements, Sagittarius people can know the secrets of your Sagittarius: if you can hand in hand side by side with your partner can pursue richer and deeper.

Rising striker of love

Rising sagittarians will reveal generous, healthy, brave temperament - "mask" gypsies.Usually savoir faire, vision, generous humor.Naturally, this is very attractive, attract the attention of the opposite sex, are also popular in the social."Put it all together" need in life often inject fresh and unexpected element, avoid inertia, inflexible and unexpected.Rising Sagittarius people will continue to struggle with monotonous in courtship.This kind of idea is realistic - but don't do too.Like before when it comes to sun moon in Sagittarius, rising striker who don't run from commitment, but avoid the promise of love into a kind of poison.

Rise in Sagittarius people are ruled by Jupiter, Jupiter's placement will affect the love.

The moon striker love (The zodiac /astro/)

In relationships, moon in Sagittarius will have some contradictions.The moon represents our dominant demand, Sagittarius need is "don't need any need", will be very independent, at least don't need to attached to anyone.In Sagittarius men and women with a partner relationship in between the contradiction of dual pull: ideal mixed with distance.Traditional culture, the interdependence between the partners, exaggerated role in the marriage stable.Weakened the social cultureA womanOperating the machine kind of ability, and men are not good at take care of yourself.The moon in Sagittarius love freedom, they can't tolerate myself fall into this trap.Even if their reality life won't be like the home life of the '50 s as dull, but not to entwine fears intensified, they must be busy in life practice, obtain satisfaction.So, love is the promise of more to bring chaos, rather than risk the abomination of the essentials.We emphasize this month on the sensitivity of love, after all, the moon more affect the mood of family life.

Sagittarius growth patterns and the related contents in love

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