Libra mode and growing in love

libra Libra the Scales

Archetypes prototype:Lovers, artists, peace messengers, diplomats, consultant

Developmental Aim, development goals

Peace - this is a libra goal.The pattern symbol of libra balance and calm.Any based on benign libra behavior have intention to not intentional of a calm effect.In order to release the pressure, seek a compromise, calm angry mood, libra people achieve their goals step by step: I keep up a calm.All are affected by the libra planets will tend to be more harmonious, calm in evolution.The moral behind this is, in the past exhaustion deal with chaotic situation, in this life to seek to reverse for the soul.

Libra in love growth patterns and _ the zodiac

Strategies and Resources Strategies and Resources

Cynic's view of the world that people are immune, regardless of their hearts conceal what concept.In the face of pure altruism good thoughts, cynics confused at first, and then struggled to force it into the order of his pessimistic outlook on life.So he will need the judgements made on people's behavior motives conspiracy theories, benevolence will make him nervous, he wanted to explain in your own way, let him get into the confusion of the relationship.

In contrast, idealistic confidence in everything, but the pain is, the purpose and the ultimate result will be the experience course of the mind.In the face of friends daughter was murdered events, idealism and cynicism, the original will experience.The murder into ordinary life also not easy.Again, the facial muscles become stiff.Rational thoughts to find.Displaced emotions flooded the inner world.

The truth is always complicated, specious.Any simplification or resist the behavior will lead to tension stress.The pressure and libra is the antithesis of target.So, libra was given such a strong resources: the gift of specious and ambiguous.Libra can have both sides on anything.They seek the tathagata, find their balance.

Beauty, is another way of soothing.The beauty of the sunset make us feel amazing.We cried, all the pressure and tension.Cultivating aesthetic is a strategy of libra, whether it's passive to be a appreciator, or active become art creators.

Tensions between people, for instance, with a partnerThe warAnd the pressure.Libra another policy response in the field: politely.This might be a pale world.When using this strategy, doesn't mean that we can eat in a fancy restaurant to distinguish which one is the salad fork!Politeness is time convey respect for others and encouragement, and to sustain the harmonious interpersonal relationship.Libra people are very good at assessing our behavior affect others.

Shadow Shawow:

Libra's shadow, as well as other signs, this constellation are distortions of policy and resources.Libra ambiguous talent may have been distorted as indecisive and hesitant.Sensitivity of beauty may become vulgar taste.Polite may become overblown rhetoric, afraid to face the real conflict.The nature of the libra directly led to rising tensions.In other words, it is overturned libra benign strategy;Completely wrong more far in the opposite direction.

Libra's love the sun

Traditional astrology that libra is related to the marriage.So it is, measured in symbolic elements.Libra, let us see the principle of the balance.Two people together, in harmony, mutual understanding, honest, with the collision of two kinds of ideas.Usually, this is the symbol of the soul of the relationship is beneficial to health.Every constellation "associated with love" in some ways, but there is no sun sign is such a proving ground for intimacy, and experience the ultimate evolution.In order to obtain the satisfaction of living, the sun libras need experience challenges in interpersonal interaction, compromise and temptation.These experiences help to personal growth, and ultimately become the spiritual pillar of the people.Because the ascension of empathy, the sun libras need to remember that maintain self weight, don't be others satellite - endless mediation, it means the deep crack, and no negotiations.

Libra rising of love

Rising libra people have a kind of charm, let a person with a kind of solidarity identity - of the other party is going to think a lot in common with each other.They instinctively seek to establish and maintain a harmonious relationship with others.This trait is also known as polite diligently, but will not appear stark.More specifically, they were able to clever elegant way, let people get along with the inevitable friction to a minimum.Libra is ruled by Venus, Venus, of course, is for love influence is rather large planets.Venus as a Lord, love and intimacy will become the important topic of life.

The moon in libra love (The zodiac /astro/)

In relationships, libra need partner polite courteous and delicate feelings.This is especially true for libra moon, the moon's tender brought a special charm.Here presents an elegant sensitivity: a vulgar jokes and rude words to their eyes.To the moon in libra, intimacy is like the art of intuition.For them, elegant is the manner in which naturally, with open awareness, and awareness of each action.Moon in libra people have sharp aesthetic perspective, - even a simple, clean, and is also good.With the shadow of libra, need to pay attention to, don't go to excessive smoothing love relationships from the inevitable
The appearance of wrinkles.The risk is that a person need to completely put down the self pursuit to thoroughly understand and absorb the idea of another person.The person wants to build a harmonious and happy relationship truly, must realize that once hidden behind the mask sweet, patience, tolerance of the real personality.In family life, the moon in libra will try our best to build halcyon, gentle beautiful environment.Comfortable environment and atmosphere full of art and music.But even in difficult to maintain life, moon in libra people will point scented candles, strive to create the beautiful life.

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