Libra spiritual growth course

* house implications: marriage

Key words: * I measure (I BALANCE)

* the basic kinetic energy: cooperative

* life style, beauty and balance.

* life lessons: correct play love, through the ability of love, make oneself by others.

* fate: I am a boundless beauty

Women everywhere from ram, we see the completion of the birth of the individual life to the society, then fromvirgoService issue, we will find that a person is very difficult to achieve many things, and there are too many events in life must cooperate with others to complete, solibraTells us the spiritual growth of course, cooperation with others, to complete the task together, play to love your neighbor as love oneself mood, this is a basic attitude of cooperation, can link together with others, we need not too hard, don't a person to fame and fortune, do some difficult things, but can be friends for our own glory, glory can also be your spouse's interests as our own.

Libra _ the zodiac spiritual growth course

Libra here to tell you, choose the one you really love person, your partner or close to the people, he is you win win, his success is that you are successful, give him your support, and when you want to use a variety of different ways to support the most intimate person, you let your creativity.So friends and a couple of Aaron is the way we link together with others, good friends and the relationship between husband and wife are close relations of cooperation, such cooperation, basically should pay attention to respect each other and reciprocity, it is also contribute to each other, is good for both sides, only good for both sides, is a long-term relations of cooperation.

In astrology, love belongs toLeoSubject, and marriage is the subject of belong to libra, love is the love of your favorite object, the premise is the extension of self and play, this is the nature of the Leo, the attitude of marriage is respect for the other half, is to some extent QuJi and from people, this is to belong to the nature of the libra, some people love no problem and marriage has a problem, just don't understand the truth of love and marriage of reason caused by different.

Cooperation of reason basically is to do what's best for others, all things are fair, more deeply, is the one constant love the love, I hate people who hate the constant.As long as there is love in the heart, lives with love and joy of life, nature can share with others, this is the surest basis of cooperation.

Libra with high EQ type curve of fate

* high EQ: libra has advantages of emotions is friendly, outgoing, trust, coordination, the doctrine of the mean, smooth, easy-going, kind, gentle, attachment, halcyon, poised.

* curve of fate: libra represents cooperation, on behalf of the judgment, friends and husband and wife, basically, by god bless libra is "eight" think twice, what matter will first to think of it, after make the correct judgment according to judgment.Good luck libra have many good friends, often give him different opinions, he could find out a good conclusion from the different views.He has good cooperation with the fate, what is it not a person, together with other people, he can profit.And libra life is good to marry into a good man or marry to a good man and his married life is very good, very stable, can let he immersed among them, this is good phenomenon in libra.Especially the flange edge of husband and wife and friends, and libra both benefit from this phenomenon is a real life, is very obvious.

Libra is curve with low EQ

* low EQ: coquette, gullible, unsteady, pleased accept flattery, cunning and swing.

* curve of fate: on the contrary, god bless libra, indecisive, indecisive, he is a mind has a problem of libra.In addition libra not very appropriate to make friends, often is not too good or too bad, is "the hatred of nearly is lousy, far" situation, there will be "I have much good to him, how can he now do this to me," whining, or for a friend, to finally getting drenched to ruin, marriage is not smooth, so thatTo get marriedOften quarrel, after divorce, although he will also have another experience of love or marriage, but also represents the twists and turns of his life very much.So we see libra is watching his judgment, as well as friends, couples the fate of this case.

Libra also made life thinking direction

China has the words of the old saying: "as a responsible, defeat me", this sentence to describe the libra, is apt.For libra, the meaning of the "me", said more abstract is intimate relationship between the appropriate but.For libra, the meaning of the "me", said more abstract is intimacy, practical is husband and wife and good friend, libra judge their fortunes, you can see the recent relationships and relationship, if you make good friends, that is noble, the so-called friends, friends friends dare, book, yi yi!If fuchangfusui or as it is on behalf of the home and everything, visible in the good luck.There is art appreciation ability, leisure and social life is very colorful, also can promote their own luck.If has recently been friends ever since, or discord, husband and wife or do live up to your spouse's behavior, that means luck is going downhill.Lumbar kidney, and libra energy is concentrated in the throat, if the waist sprains, kidney damage or near throat problem, also be a sign of a note.(The zodiac /astro/)

There are a lot of libra of the birth, because it is very dependent on friendship or love, so much so that the high expectations for a friend or lover, impractical and fantasy too much, we know that the life unfortunately, due to the too pursuit is more is to want to rely on the love and friendship, the more hurt by love and friendship, in the end fear into disappointment instead, would rather close relationship in life of this part resection, and said as long as the pursuit of career success, the close relationship between the blank and it doesn't matter, in fact this is another kind of extreme, because the intimate relationships of course is not satisfactory, career also can appear the bottleneck, let your mind not to come over, so you can't break through.More moderate condition are supposed to be a friend and lover you planned to pay, but the mood of this kind of comfortable, added charm of the self, to attract more partners, on the quality of love and friendship will be more satisfied.

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