This spiritual growth course

* house implications: family

Key words: * I FEEL (I FEEL)

* the basic kinetic energy: nourishing sex

* life style: the protection and nurturing

* life lessons: unconditional love.Learning from the ego of emotional ups and downs, really can feel there is love in the world all no problem.

* fate: I am a boundless love

cancerfromGeminiThat represents a newly bornThe child, and my parents and brothers and sisters of a Home, the Home, on behalf of the protection on the material have a House (House) can such, have a family in ethical (Home) provide all the needs of life growth.So have protection in the family warm, the reason is that every member of the family have promised the unconditional sacrifice, and behind the unconditional sacrifice, love is thick not turn, the blood is thicker than water.

_ the zodiac cancer spiritual growth course

So this spiritual growth subject, always and love this core concept closely linked.Cancer of the sensitive, suspicious, anxiety, repeatedly thinking is just the soul demand in the call of love, no love, there is no security, there is no love only settle for second best, looking for the protection of the material, what is the protection of the material?Then based on the need of safety, the cancer personality to material requirements have their own house, have money in the bank, freezer to have food, otherwise disturbed in the heart, the mood is not beautiful, life pressure is very big also.So will the security of life has focused on the substance of the cancer is very poor, because they have troubled the source of the mistake is the lack of wealth or other resources, but constantly accumulate wealth, become a burden of pursuit of mind and heart.The situation is better crab will spiritual to collect some interesting things, such as antiques, ceramics or matchbox and so on.

Actually is to the material not keep is to love, to be able to take care of other people to give cancer care is happy, living in the lack of cancer will not have a life of love, the lack of including not to mind and body meet.Even a poor family, can be filled with the atmosphere of love, in the atmosphere of love gave birth to the child, while it is beyond words, but his soul was conceived in the environment full of love, his that a love of parents, with the birth of his life, he has come down in the boom, it will make parents life open up, whereas the parents hate each other and the birth of the child, its soul is painful, want to punish ourselves to reduce bad blood after born, brought more difficulties for the family.

So far the essence of this position is to tell our family that family method, also is to tell us the environment as long as truly in love, is a grass a little dew, god is on your side, the resources of the whole world through to support you.Likewise, in judging the personnel phenomenon also is same, their damage to his family, no matter how big business done, but is temporary, will encounter bottlenecks.We often see a lot of people after a successful career, began to destroy the family, and then cause to the failure, and people close to the desert him, this is oldtoothStories and plays, but constantly repeat itself on earth.To appoint personnel, also have the same sense, if a boss have two capable cadres, under the same educational level, are equally good, so which one should be reused?If look from the condition and the ability not to come out, can from family satisfactory degree evaluation, then evaluate the harmonious degree of husband and wife, parent-child relationship and the childA womanSeveral of these standards, that is to say couples harmony degree is high, good parent-child relationship and the number of children are from the conditions of the blessed since this, is worth working and reuse.

Cancer with high EQ type curve of fate

* high EQ: cancer has advantages of emotions is tender, sweet, caring, understanding, acceptance, caring, tolerant, compassionate, loving, sacrifice, a bit, sympathy, sadness, sweet.

* curve of fate: cancer by god blessing, a happy family, since childhood hit a good father, good mother, parents can observe carefully what you need, do the best education, and parents as a child with various relationships to carry out a wide road for you, from elementary school to university, for example, are reliable, under the patronage of the parents to go abroad to obtain a doctorate in home immediately because of the relationship of the parents is an consortium companies or government agency, you don't have to experience waves, as long as have a good performance in stability, have had a very good way, also can inherit property, or from your brothers and sisters;But you are also very filial piety the parents, and brothers and sisters feelings is good, can saying is the beneficiary under the family ethics.

Cancer is curve with low EQ

* low EQ: cancer has the characteristics of negative emotions is a bully is always coward, easy to self-pity, joy is flatter, narrow-minded, overly sensitive, flattering on next, guilt, shame, petty, paranoid, worry, anxiety, resistance, grief, jealousy, hostility, defense.

* curve: fate from the heaven bestows cancer is really very trouble, since the childhood with his parents.Brother sister secretly out, must be left outside to strive, as long as it comes to their parents very headache!Dad drug use, crime mother, brothers and sisters all come to want money, make the burden of life is extremely heavy, suffering, the lowest point hope in life, as long as you have an own nest and their own little world, compared with others, maybe the hope is not demanding, but laterTo get marriedSince the group of families, give birth to children, or spouse is bad, all over uneasy, home for a lifetime and family nightmare involve endlessly.The energy of the cancer in the stomach of the body, and not god blessed of cancer, may also be prone to liver disease of the stomach, or breast cancer.Because interpersonal relationships in the family, not only can not get love of moist, and anxiety for a long time to worry about energy overdraw, caused by endocrine affected.

Cancer also made life thinking direction

Cancer how to judge yourself?Determine the key completely from the quality of family life should be observed.If the latest and family be in a fit of pique, the mood of ups and downs is very big, very insecure, so we know, now the fortunes of will have a larger problem.If life recently, feel full of love, can accept love, also can love others, feel very steadfast on mood, is a sense of security, is obvious in the good luck.Like this to family life to determine their own fortunes, life pattern absolutely suitable for cancer.We often see many stories in the society, there are a lot of people after a successful career, to do a lot of BeiHui instead, destroyed his family, in the end cause broken down again, this is on behalf of the family is the foundation of my career.If the boss in the company of choose and employ persons, two subordinates are all a hotchpotch of education level, first-class ability, want to choose that?Is also can go to watch their family, family life harmony, that a good relationship, fertility and gave way, and can be reused.Families the birth of the child, too, in the atmosphere of love the birth of children, so the atmosphere of joy, automatically bring happy for family, so after someone to expand and become rich or even a promotion, it is to meet a new life, much a love in the home.If there is no love in the home atmosphere, in the couple quarrel or family breakdown in the birth of the child, is also more frequent disease.So there will be a cancer go good luck are "home"!Many cancers is home to the original is not good, when the transfer their marry or marry a good person, children are also very good!(The zodiac /astro/)

But some cancers go bad luck is their original family is very good, is to marry or marry a bad spouse, that produces the condition of divorce.So this is good, bad luck see;Cancer is to seek development in the stable, and family is good or bad is the standard for judging your good luck or bad luck.

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