Aquarius spiritual growth course

* house implications: social and justice

Key words: * I KNOW (I KNOW)

* the basic kinetic energy: philanthropy and altruism

* life style: "justice

* life lessons: correctly into the new stage.How to play to humanity spirit, in innovation, justice ultimately.

* fate: I am a boundless light

Aquarius:Personality pattern is for the world is full of ideal, such as to maintain the needed for the social principle and the principle of human coexistence inclusive, are willing to Aquarius stressed, such as democracy, freedom, human rights, environmental protection, etc., so the bottle is a variously signs of the zodiac.

Followed the Capricorn, Aquarius represent the ideal of datong is the spirit of humanity or the world, yearning is the state of "everyone is a dragon", indeed, is "decapitated"The I chingAmong the highest in concept, everyone is autonomous, do not need others' management, and attaining the state of "I am a dragon".

Spiritual growth course _ the zodiac Aquarius

Aquarius: here, there are a lot of the power of the reform, these types of social impetus to reform, the noble ideal, of course, but they may not be able to understand and accept, to make the society to successful reform of peace, is bound to have a love of the environment, if full of hatred of the environment, reform must be accompanied by suspected of mistrust and struggle, so Aquarius philanthropic spiritual growth course, must be provided to ensure the reform action to achieve the desired purpose.

Only the great personality, can play to the spirit of fraternity, so great is in mindLeoCulture, and a great career is in Capricorn, the spread of the great spirit, carry forward in the water bottle, only yourself a "dragon", is willing to transfer successful experience, also is the only complete your ability is qualified to share with others.

Love is unconditional love, this is the fourth chakra human body, also known as the function of the "heart", the energy that is opened, is filled with the love of god, the love in the form of light, even people who want to fuck you, you can also love him, everything is good for him.Bottles of "universal love" from Leo and Capricorn "love yourself", so start from "love" of love, is not a difficult thing, "love" is just "love yourself" to share, and how to share, just believe love, light of grace, grace will give birth to wisdom and need people to share.Love of his life, as long as you are willing to promise god, will have the opportunity of sharing, love is to believe that this world all form of punishment is a kind of with the separation of love, also with the separation of light and the divine is all love, are also light, you is what we are given from the heart, has been paid, the real to cling to the result, also not afraid to be refused.

Aquarius type with high EQ curve of fate

* high EQ: Aquarius has a advantage is rational, and the group of the mood, is willing to help others, open-minded, confident, love, tolerance, lively, bright and clear.

* curve: fate is god blessed of Aquarius, the performance is very smart, make a lot of friends, sex is very strong, information science and language competence is not too bad for the society as a whole on the spread of information have very good judgement.So a good life, Aquarius is fair and just, and the concept of environmental protection, have ideal, the world is full of confidence!Bottle of good life is a kind of and the social harmony and good interaction, preached is rhetoric, planning the future vision for the society, or looking for a new resource for the society, so it can obtain the contemporaries admiration and applause.This constellation is very easy to become famous, and planning of political and social outlook with high ideal, this ideal through books, music, television, radio, science and technology spreading and regarded as a genius for sure of all.

Aquarius is curve with low EQ

* low EQ: Aquarius has a negative emotions is characterized by extreme, rebellious and stubborn, do STH unconventional or unorthodox, stubborn, not smooth, ruthless, boring, refused to communication, lack of confidence, indignation, stiff, resistance.

* curve of fate: but if it's a poor luck, Aquarius, will often try to no harvest, although the bear hardships and stand hard work, but didn't get a little price, why?Because it is Saturn's ruling star, can produce a kind of pressure, and the pressure is Saturn and Uranus represents the abnormal behavior, has led many aquarians have abnormal phenomenon, because a lot of parts involving improper expression, cause a lot of trouble, this kind of problems related to his revolt again, and he in order to adhere to the concept, ideal, but no position, not well adapt this situation, also cannot find a group to participate in.So this kind of bad life bottles of social life, community life cannot stretch, cannot express his ideal, or, the man who can't get at the same time affirmation, instead invite attack against malicious slander, was deemed to extremists, abnormal character, become victims of the tradition.This encounter makes his temperament more cold, abnormal condition and unreasonable, or produce anti-social behavior of revolution.

Aquarius also made life thinking direction

Aquarius is life how to know yourself walk in good luck or bad luck?Notice first of all, you and the society as a whole, the relationship between dedicated dynamic and to give you a god-given right to go out, or apathy, alienation, isolation, if you feel this society more and more unreasonable, really damn, I'm sorry you, that means a little bit of a problem.Second, whether your insights for the socially, when this society to notice your genius is positive, and bad luck, the abnormal society see you as a pervert.Third, whether your reputation popularity recently affected, does anyone in your rumors, speak ill of you, or you open rupture with certain groups or struggle, these all represent the positive energy of Aquarius slowly away.Aquarius energy performance in foot and tibial nerve conduction system, if there is a sprained foot, or the part is the body feel numbness, or heart ache uncomfortable, also on behalf of the energy shortage, easy to difficulties in life.(The zodiac /astro/)

Aquarius is full of light and sound, so this sign needs to glow, also need music, need light mean should concern the society, and the planning for the future of the human future bright vision, this is the true meaning of Aquarius personality the birth of god, and only a walk on this road, Aquarius has a place.Need to music mean, music can help Aquarius personality get more apocalypse, more inspiration, a lot of great musicians have strong energy of Aquarius, this also is a music genius.

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