Taurus spiritual growth course

* house implications: kindness, beauty and truth, love, and money

Key words: * I HAVE (I HAVE)

* the basic kinetic energy: affinity

* life style: with stability

* life lessons: correct values and learn how to go beyond desire, not materialistic, and understand that true wealth is the ability to create true love heart.

Fate: I am a boundless wealth

Taurus _ the zodiac spiritual growth course

AriesThen is belowTaurus, Aries on behalf of the birth of life, on behalf of the mind, on behalf ofbaby, Taurus represents the baby to drink milk to sustain life, the milk phenomenon prompts, is absorbed resources to strengthen ourselves, the human need to constantly absorb resources to expand their own life, to support the growth of life, so the house in general representative for the phenomenon of wealth, and the feeling of baby sucking milk from the flesh and the need to set out, to absorb the nourishing of life resources, so this sign also represent from real sense and create beauty.Attaches great importance to their real senses and feelings, representative we can love yourself, love yourself, the energy of life to convey, so only the complete myself to share with others, in order to create the beauty of the universe.The rule of this constellation is obsidian statue of Venus, Venus in the sky, Venus for love, and the palace called wealth, known Taurus is based on love, money to use, and also is love and bread, don't have to take one.

Love and bread, which was both, this is an oldtoothTopic of debate, and shiva said shiva, be said on both great bread statements, and love when this was said, love is the highest unexpected Taurus told us that this is one love and bread, don't have to take a house, only the people who love can understand true wealth and resources, and as long as there is love in our heart, which can cause induction and Venus in the sky, the external finances will be clear.So the god of wealth is a life of love in your heart.In the same way, our life constantly to absorb external resources, to form a human silks palace life phenomenon, so we know that absorb resources in creating the purpose of truth, goodness, beauty, love life, and life more kindness, beauty and truth, love, but no 2.

Whereas a greedy gaudy spring, even if the accumulated numerous property, but the property only become the burden of the mind, day and night worried about others to get away, absolutely can't promote create kindness, beauty and truth and improvement of soul, the source of love.And due to the pain of the mind and occlusion, makes the materialistic day is deep and cat was shallow, finally due to the emptiness of the mind into an insatiable personality, mind empty, the outward, the life also more depressed and upset, just making the world a more tortured by materialistic spirit, is inviting pity.

Taurus tell us the truth and be rich with the method of wealth.Also told us that Aries after then Taurus, on behalf of the ascending life must have a literature, art, music, food, dancing, singing and so on to nourish our life.All the beauty and enjoyment of life is blessed, is to promote the connotation of love, our life of truth, goodness and beauty.

So Taurus provides spiritual growth of the subject, is to tell how people live in a good body, heart full of love busy enjoying more love, more love, no time not happy or ShengXianQi and others, have a love of people have true wealth in life, there will be no shortage of lack of don't worry.

Taurus type with high EQ curve of fate

* high EQ: Taurus has advantages of mood is quiet, comfortable, sureness, patience, tenacity, man, healthy, comfortable, attachment, the love of beauty and artistic temperament, gentle, considerate, careful, good beauty.

* curve: fate is blessed life, Taurus will appear the sound are keen, the spectrum is known by his note, an appreciation of music, or music creativity is strong, beautiful voice, painting expertise, good beauty, good design ability, for the jewelry boutiques identification ability, good taste is better on the taste of food, eat slowly, grace nice soft rich love, leisurely, good temper, loving and gentle firmness, love is rich and varied each segment has a good memory, and live in confidence, don't worry about no one to love.No matter who's family is rich or poor, their wealth has always been good, lack of money and use it every time you can easily create opportunities to make money, for their own financial deal with clear and wise, good investment operation, increasing wealth.Women's voices or high or low, but the voice is very sweet, a male voice, is a low magnetic and charm.Life good Taurus, slow and elegant, but don't worry no xu, general representative has its own time and speed of flow, also can get things done.

Taurus is curve with low EQ

* low EQ: Taurus has the characteristics of negative emotions is possessive, self-indulgence, indulge debauchery, stubborn, lazy, hate, greed, stubborn, capricious, hostility, indulgence, refused to communicate.
* curve: fate had not been blessed of Taurus Taurus, heart of greed, but money is always not good, every one investment failure, also easy to pour account, cause money troubles.This is because greed blinds the inner clarity, so it's easy to waste, the more life is a part of the request is too, fate is given.Good at ordinary times, less voracious, can not be a good flavor and body will taste food swelling deformation and no aesthetic feeling, in the same way, heart of music art tasteless, completely can't appreciate, or although want to appreciate it because of too busy making money to enjoy, finally become a dull life money slaves.
Taurus life energy is focused on the neck of mankind, the so-called neck including the throat and vocal cord, tonsils, and thyroid.Sometimes and kidneys.On the body often has the phenomenon of tonsil inflammation, husky voice'm tone-deaf or, throat vocal cords are also often caused this problem, because the greedy heart didn't get a wealth of moist, but because of money problems anxiety for a long time, can cause thyroid disorders, or some of the birth of Taurus kidney weak or had problems with kidney function, also represents the important energy in life to get hurt.
Will happen in love in love for a long time and have no results, heartache, no one to talk to no one can know, after break up a love-hate relationship, all is in the painful lessons of the past.

Taurus also made life thinking direction

Taurus many friends, a lot of trouble in the life are involved in and money, or always feel lack of heart does not meet the poor, or always for the sake of money nerve-racking is contested, to judge yourself or bad cycle is now in a good cycle., of course, money is an important phenomenon of judgment, slowly losing money or make money ability decreased slowly, the phenomenon of vitality is weak, but Taurus friend also want to know, enrich the methods of vitality, is a love has a beautiful environment and mind.(The zodiac /astro/)

People in addition to eat can maintain life, Taurus need and music, art, love, clothes, food, noble sentiment and so on to live together, think about it recently had to listen to music, have high taste of cultural activities, are you still enjoy art?Although as a professional musician some far-fetched, but once want to learn music dream can slowly in the form of amateur interest development?Are you tonsil inflammation or thyroid disorders, the body of these places, if a problem occurs Taurus all of life's major warning, external setbacks or major energy points on the body of bad changes, is to tell you, come back!Back to the environment, back to the art of music, back to the elegant environment, return to self control time of the process environment, the course of true love again!Need to listen to the voice of the inner Venus, I find true happiness in life, don't let greed blinds you.

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