This ultimate perfect analysis

cancerThe ultimate perfect analysis (6/22-7/22)

Cancer is tender-minded, easy to be moved, although the surface looks always had a hard shell, but the joke is a soft and sensitive to the extreme under the heart.They face a sentiment is very hesitant, don't say that they are weak, they just understand oneself is easy to get hurt.They have a negative emotions of faith, believe pure, everlasting, so picky sometimes.

This is a hard shell on the surface, actually easy to overcome, because crab crab has a soft heart.

Crab crab in love when they become very sticky person, very wise mother, because you are the center of it, it will consider a lot, for you meal?The weather will change?Remember to bring an umbrella!Cars on the road, walk slowly!.....Such as this!

Cancer's ultimate perfect analysis _ the zodiac

Crab crab is affectionate and spoony, fall in love with a person can love deeply, even know nothing is difficult to extricate themselves.This is a cancer of a kind of stubborn, want to get things, often will not easily let go.Sometimes, for a period of no results of love will be the crab crab life center of gravity.This is painful, but it is difficult to extricate themselves.Cancer, however, the insecurity in the heart cried again to give up, so the crab crab is always in the persistence and give up the huge contradictions are languishing.Learn to give up is a crab crab of courses.

Of course, if the crab crab really decided to give up, it's firmly will surprise everyone.

Remember: in addition to yourself, no one can hurt you

The crab is a spoony, but not good at expression, in the face of his beloved people inhibition, put don't open.Their sense of humor become green at the moment.

The crab is loving, but doesn't always take again, why can not control their emotions, once again say knowing that dont speak?

Split and hermit crabs with good at say before the cancer, say first few always appreciate a few ICONS, they are all different, but they have one thing in common, is that they are all cancer man.Stephen chow, wong kar-wai, luo, Jonathan lee, Tony leung chiu-wai, Jacky cheung...Usually at the end of the list every time always rely on cancer, didn't seem to be very distinct personality, however, their artistic intuition and is keen to match others, it's not hard to see from these a few names.In life they are gentle, passive, and even tend to be silent, but in their movies, songs, but show a amazing talent, let we can't help with.When Stephen chow let us laugh tears crosscurrent, we also heard early actually play outside of his serious, unsmiling, treat friends and lovers are very demanding;We know what was on the show all god never put off till tomorrow what you can best actor Tony leung chiu-wai with opposite personality striker like carina lau together more than 20 years, has been reluctant toTo get married, he always said, in fact, his life is in play;Before we know Jacky cheung debut was once a Mafia gangsters, every day a hangover, abandon, also see Jacky cheung, and still hard for family to pieces...

This is the cancer, in fact, most can explain cancer characteristics, - is divided in either crab, they all have the thought of division.They are eager to settle, and desire to be somebody, they heart is full of artistic inspiration, exaggerated illusion, but in real life, they always eyes, it's hard to really show heart fancies.In the stage of art, so they instead to bear, let the heart strange fancies of amplification to the extreme, they can be any song a deductive astute, all come from the passive to accept in life, in the palace of art got the best of anger, so the cancer really should belong to the stage.Even if there is no good voice not good appearance, but they have good sensibility and expression, their personality is actually more like a hermit crab, in real life, they often will parcel is very tight, but at the time of interpretation and the interpretation of others, they got to release the innermost feelings the sentiment.

This sign another advantage is that they have the philosophy thinking of the world by two forces ebb and flow, and water as is typical of feminine.Water sign people have a natural world, cancer, and they have a natural love of complex, so their thinking is often with the humanistic care.So engaged in the industry of cancer associated with art, no matter how lucky can be cancer, because can be play, director of the natural character.But not every cancer have such an opportunity, so most cancer would feel depressed and pain.Nor have they desire, instead, they demand a lot, for many, but they always hide in your shell to do all kinds of dreams, just want to, very few.So if you see always eyes of cancer is not actually the real cancer.It's just the cancer an illusion.

Can never erase the inferiority of the cancer is actually feel good heart of a group of people, but also difficult to overcome. Always in love and want to hide in the shell of inferiority complex.They naturally suspicious and sensitive, encounter difficulties, just hide in the shell, self-deception, weave self sense of security in a dream, and never thought that how to take the initiative to turn crises into opportunities.They treat difficult negative way, they always make it difficult to show some real wood, they always catch they think the best time, but the time is always can't come, in fact the world which have a solution?When cancerians hard self Po, time has been lost.But it is difficult to change this kind of natural inferiority complex which, cancerians are almost uncontrollably.

Nostalgia is the cancer are the main melody of life of cancer are very nostalgic.They like old stuff, nostalgic old feelings, to family has a natural sentimentally attached.Yellowing photos, faded ribbon, dusty dresser...All old stuff with romantic emotional appeal, can let them alone, dim and remember, they are always immersed in the memories of the past, always remember youth lonely, sensitive, always remember her first love, after many years still around for a first love, comfort always keep fresh memory for many years.So the wong kar-wai film always likes to begin with such a sentence: years later...

Hot and cold be swayed by considerations of gain and loss of love their pessimism, always need a bit more, a little more sense of security.Why do they need a sense of security, because they are inherently insecure, so they are easy to panic, so they also became very suspicious and suspicion.Fall in love with a cancer is to ponder, because they will suddenly hot and cold, all of a sudden, suddenly angry words, but they are not actually does not love you, they sometimes to pique is in with her.They are eager to stick together with you 24 hours a day, for they love with a strong possessive instinct, very anxious to rink hijinks tao lung to you, they are concerned about your dribs and drabs, small to buy a card for you, to help you choose which bus...They all with care, they always everything is consideration for you, but because of the constantly increase in pay and become more and more fear, will not equal love.So they would suddenly become cold, maybe just because you have a look, they will think you is not what it used to be, then began to endless temptation, they speak always beat about the bush, but always want you to always clear, assuming that one day you also had a vague, that's finished, cancerians at once the beginning of the conditional reflex that you come up with thousands of virtual scene, in the endless pessimistic, psychosexuality out all sorts of tragic scenes, and then see you later, was already cold cold noodles, even say very harsh words - so, you and cancer, they will be hard to running in, to give them enough trust and security, they give back to you, absolutely let you moved to tears.

The false packaging susceptible heart cancer actually good at camouflage.They like to laugh, no matter when and where, they often smile, perhaps this comforting smile sometimes, but sometimes can let a person feel very hypocritical.Cancer are also, of course, always have their own little rape the bad, they were always false premise in order to protect themselves.They deserved interests are Zi baht will more, sometimes can let a person feel they are very narrow minded, but, on the occasions such as friends, they is straightforward and generous, active snatched a person pays the bills.So the cancer was in fact a public-private concept is clear, they are the absolute not polite, and treat friends, they think that money simply nothing again.They are sentimentally attached to friends and family, they are like wine.And alcohol are also good because they care for the guests, the atmosphere of the drink more sentimentally attached to the home and the feeling of harmony.Like to cook so far, even can't cook have a natural preference on food, they know how to enjoy the life that occupy the home, so the cancer have ideal marriage is the most happy thing.Problem is the cancer often choose to marry late or not getting married, because they are paranoid and scared, they are always on the new dreamland full of doubt, the new home yearning and refuse, in self contradiction, constantly late time.

Create feel calm himself cancer always uneasy, this is a bad feeling, because of this, many cancer may be in vain, and all the day long.In fact, the cancer can try to create the feeling of calm himself.Find a family like objects, build a home, cancer may find themselves become quiet a lot.Find a Capricorn is the ideal choice.Or find a hobby, and pour into all the efforts, oneself also can become stable.Cancerians might say, of course, what are you standing like ah, if so easy, also need them you said?Ah.However, no matter how, when we are aware of their own, you should strive to overcome him, in fact, the world outside the shell, not so terrible, it's true.(The zodiac /astro/)

In general, cancer is very cute, especially those who have achievements in art, they create is a monument to check, so far are not well inferiority, in fact, all of you very well.

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