Virgo is the ultimate perfect analysis

virgoThe ultimate perfect analysis (8/23-9/22)

It is said that virgo alternative, dual personality, and even a bit neurotic, there is only one reason: virgo wants everything along with their explicit character, let's just call it the "state".Virgo condition good, can be to be smart, delicate and efficient, warm and humorous, has the connotation of the fine quality completely outreach, they seem so perfect, radiant, and can be played very outgoing, communicative, easy to mix with people (this not their character).And once virgo condition is bad, will become another person, even very timid, does nothing, but they usually avoid external interference, so let a person feel a bit intermittent autism) because as mercury, so a virgin as fickle as a Gemini, but Gemini mercurial is a state of mind, a virgin capricious mood.

Virgo is the ultimate perfect analysis _ the zodiac

Many times virgo will face a lot of practical things, when virgo will have to face around the world in the cold, or unnatural when talking or doing things, there are traces of affectation;Either extreme cold and passive, ignored everyone.Virgo actually very clear now, but they are powerless to change and control their emotions, can choose only escape all crazily.

They want to is: with unnatural to you, embarrassed and you said some irrelevant words, or for peace when the contrast is too big and the people said to duplicity, eccentricity, it is better to hide for a while first, such as adjusting the good will come out later.So, in contact with people, they will only and have to communicate (really) cannot run away from the people or a complete stranger (it doesn't matter anyway), but and familiar friends instead of alienation.

So. You are in his heart status is heavier, the farther he hide you.Especially, lovers.

And virgo is known to all the people have a tendency to perfectionism, so have the so-called \ \ "\ \" brinkmanship virgo people like most.The reason is simple: he wanted to give you a best and most perfect themselves, and not willing to let you see his helpless vulnerable side.So please keep in mind that virgo sometimes cold to you, is not you say the wrong done nothing wrong, this is their normal physiological phenomenon, they just don't want cold and frost damage to you (but in fact it has hurt).Don't have to be sad, because they care about you, their heart better than you sad, remorse and guilt!All they can do, only want to hurry to adjust good mood, go back to your side.

Is based on the above two points, nit-pickers sometimes will show a very different behavior and thought patterns.Their characters are also a lot from this: don't like the initiative, anti-social (can also be warm, is hot today, will one day cold), don't love, don't like publicity (one thousand which day mood is unable to grasp the state is not good, not big loss of face), and the like.

About the "cleanliness" -- have cleanliness is not a virgin, many virgos didn't love clean, neat but requirements, they are more orderly, don't like others to destroy their sorting and arrangement pattern of "perfect".Virgo is more of a mental cleanliness.Once touch their spiritual zone, when serious hysteria.

About "flower heart" - generally virgo will not flower heart, is another name for their loyalty.Heterosexual relationships are likely to be the more they need to make sure a good popularity and charm, to counter the prevailing view.Once you find true love in the heart, he will care for you for a lifetime, as long as you can give him a sense of security, he will never be betrayal, eyes only you a person in my heart.Brothels, cheating on the insulation with them (one is caused by a sense of responsibility, 2 it is to be frightened by this trouble).

About "smart" -- not like Gemini flexible cleverness, not like a water bottle and creative, also is not the sort of well-planned, Scorpio virgo more reflects the wisdom.Fine, rational, studious plusThe zodiacIn first-class insight and logical thinking ability, strongest virgo can think smart is difficult.Nothing less nonsense in front of virgo, random lie, many false yarn one eye can see through them;Don't play with them what calculating, you play but their.Virgo is that sold you you have to thanks to his type.Nothing less arguing with a virgo, they didn't also can find out the reason, and even to find more than one method.Virgo is never a bad.

About the "pure" - virgo is very pure, but not pure, complicated inside them are difficult to imagine, many things may be their elaborate.Virgo is always hovering between purity and lewd, it's hard to say clearly.But their true heart is very kind,

Would rather own bitter also don't want to hurt anyone, as crystal general glittering and translucent get rid of soul.

About "humor" -- all say virgo as ice, lack of sense of humor.More contact with them, you'll realize what is cold humor, what is the real sense of humor, and is not funny taste vulgar.

About "slow" -- don't look at when you said, some proposals and virgo they long for reaction to come over, when you say a good moment, their mind may have around five or six you the consequences of the proposal (usually negative consequences).They always want to too much, not want too slowly.

About "selfish" - virgo selfish sleep is not the kind of self-centered, the lion is not self-centered bottles.Virgo is because is selfless, so selfish.(can understand?Because a virgin don't want to hurt anyone.

About the "escape" -- because in the virgo personality factors, they will usually appear a lot of pressure.Things around when have been unable to control, or their emotions cannot adjust good, they will escape crazily, corrupt himself, this kind of situation usually harmless to other people, but hurt yourself, let all the people who love them feel heartbroken.But don't need to worry too much, for a while they'll be all right, they soon self-criticism spirit will work in nature.Virgo does not generally thoroughly corrupt and degenerate may have before leave room, just waiting for the dawn of hope.Sometimes fall is even do to people.

About "connotation" - virgo have self-restraint that's for sure.To learn constantly in growth, continuous learning, take a long time to enrich their connotation.Because they feel unable to grasp, and these are their can be steadfast, there must be a help in the future.This is what they pursue perfect socialist goal.

Virgo is a surface to the mysterious unpredictable, our chase is simple signs of the zodiac.The most close to the man of god?Probably, virgo likes it

To flaunt himself.Because they do have free from vulgarity.Their heart close to god, but in this world, cannot but monk, so have to wear a mask to live in this world.

Virgo likes and people say some words, but embarrassed to say to loved ones.

Virgos want others to know yourself, but will be released only to show that part.(the zodiac/astro /)

Virgo is the most sense of responsibility are desirable, but a lot of times is afraid to take responsibility.

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