Scorpio is the ultimate perfect analysis

ScorpioThe ultimate perfect analysis (10/23-11/21)

Scorpio, was born in the autumn.Quiet, quiet.Love and hatred are deep.Nature of light fame and wealth, but have the gift of fame gain.

Lay particular stress on the perfect combination of spirit and flesh.Intuition must sharpen, action of natural and unrestrained, often make the ACTS of the virtual table had avoid anger.Scorpio, a distinctive signs of the zodiac.Style is clearly different from ordinary people, breadth of mind is safe without showing in the table.Allowing people let things hard, often also laugh how people is.

For friends, quality over quantity, bosom height requirement.Would rather lonely, not hollow.For love, nothing more.Better to regret lifelong, BuGouJu make do.An unruly behavior, the persistent pursuit of a religious consciousness of love faith.Inner with high responsibility, loyalty, self-discipline and contradiction.Romantic elegant, charming detachment.With exotic appearance temperament.Ultimately, advocating nature of sex by love pattern, despise the pure animal sex, but, their is ever in weak will, masochistic drive addiction.

Scorpio is the ultimate perfect analysis _ the zodiac

Scorpio is mostly grievances, not mixed with black and white.Like bao, would rather have sinned against the officer, also want to reasonable rewards and punishments.Think more say less qualities, complete thorough wisdom, all the truth persona panic unceasingly.Essence, therefore, silent withdrawn Scorpio are easy to provoke other people's criticism and irrigation on trumped-up charges.And the nature of its strong and weak, often make the bear blame nor defense, not bow.Typical of "only when the historic fault, aloof free and unfettered" style of Scorpio.Only when the last straw, Scorpio will truly take revenge.But also because of its many times too humiliation, like honest man angry, revenge is more abrupt strong, the make a sleek little real culprit people become angry from embarrassment, the opportunity.Because there are for the good side of 7 Scorpio, more chic unique temperament, thus led to a Scorpio much others envy is often bite phenomenon to appear.Also because of a typical Scorpio, is not good at dredge improve interpersonal relationships, more are not good at express effectively clarify oneself, becoming theThe zodiacOne of the most controversial zodiac.

Scorpio people have talent as a spiritual thinking, combined with the reality of insight, produced unusually thinking Angle.Love, friendship, the outlook on life,.Due to the superior consciousness, the Scorpio always: suffering from the world of mortals have no friend, love lonely as invisible.Scorpio is indeed such extreme: around the world, is not the most of modern people, is the best alternative of the primitive.

People study Scorpio's mistake is unable to reach Scorpio's psychology.

In fact, Scorpio people spend a lifetime looking for intimate friends, at the same time they also tolerate the existence of rival, but, not making enemies.Want to know, Scorpio is the nature of war, but has the wisdom of the battle and energy.Please note: this is the key.So you can be a Scorpio's rivals and friends, but, don't put the Scorpio when the enemy.Because, you never take the initiative to infringe the interests of others.You don't do something low levels of hostile, it can only look your boredom.Rumors, such as: if you stir up all want to use processes a communal blow calculation, even isolate Scorpio, so before long you will find that Scorpio still live very free and easy, is very unique.Because they have not put you when the enemy, in a sense, is your "upset", at the heart of the SIMS degrees the abdomen of gentleman.And this kind of tacky hostile trick, for the Scorpio, is undoubtedly a heap of laughably bad break.Scorpio by nature desire to understand, but I do not expect to understand, content with loneliness, more willing to loneliness.Scorpio's advantage is that for ulterior motives, can see through, and completely ignored.Perhaps, when you are complacent, Scorpio wants to is - with the animal general knowledge!Look, Scorpio is such mentality, chastely self-surrender, gloomily, under it, cool flat and agile, like a great swordsman, not training, just not your opponents.Why did you not, because you have put their conception for the enemy.For the enemy, don't have to.Interest in time.Interest, a sword to be decided.This kind of deadly calm and detached, it is also the Scorpio people don't provoke others, but still the root of cause insidious toxic notoriety.But, also only Scorpio themselves know, evil is real you!However, everything is useless, want to know, to endure loneliness, also is the most fearless person.This is what makes the Scorpio can be in a frenzy of notoriety in the rumor, still live out their own style.A certain perspective, Scorpio man of wit, it is unrealistic to attack from someone else slander, saw his distinctive value.Because, no one will change a lot of a lot of energy, effort for a mediocre fickle people do too much attention.Obviously, Scorpio is unique.

I this kind, I this is true, such a sentence, use on Scorpio is the most appropriate nevertheless.Every Scorpio seem born from that day on, you were meant to be for his unique and after many incidents.For humanity, Scorpio from look better than all the people.

Can say they are extreme, but they can't really live out yourself.Perhaps, only the "song of high or widowed" this four word, is lonely and strange Scorpio is the best interpretation.

Scorpio.Astrology the book says, was born in the late autumn of the scorpion is one of the most complex.Agree with this sentence.Because the scorpion can according to the need in the specific environment shape themselves into a suitable role, is a good one who is wearing a mask.But this heart I power and let them at some point to show the scorpion involuntarily cold dark side.Almost none of the scorpion seat can escape this.Because of the nature of things, deeply rooted in the bone marrow, rooted in the soul.

The strong is one of the most common characteristics of the scorpion seat.I haven't found that emotional factors due to lack of the scorpion.They have unusually hot feelings, but most of the hidden deep, seems a more pleasant person at ordinary times, generally don't explode, erupted is absolutely pouring out, has a strong power.

Can cause the scorpion outbreak of deep feelings of things really not much.I summarized the three conditions.

One is cheating, this kind of deception may not be very big, may take place between good friends or even relatives and friends, maybe it's just a matter, but the scorpion's view, what will matter is not what deception caused the loss, but cheat the behavior itself, he thinks this is strongly distrust, is don't respect for him.A little deception in the heart of the scorpion may stirs huge, nature cold scorpion used to amplify it, also can say this with their play style codes backsliding is upside down behavior of contempt and rejection.Lied in the scorpion damage cracks in general is not easy to eliminate.The parties in the heart of the scorpion status soon fell sharply, so to speak.After observation, no sign, like the scorpion so much emphasis on trust and respect these two words, they are sensitive to this.Sensitive to hold is beyond the scope of his license small a grain of sand.The more intimate relationship between the cheating the greater the harm of the scorpion.Because they tend to hand over the friend sincerely, and if the pay compensation to deceive and betrayal, the scorpion's heart will be cold to the fullest.

The second is insult.Sensitive scorpion actually not so affordable joke, of course they can subtly tell you the true meaning of words, good joke they still won't refuse.But they can hear it right away if it were thorn, he can feel your true feelings tone of the ingredients.Very self scorpion never tolerate others insult he belittle him.Maybe one thing let him bad, let him who is very big, but if need be he can suppress their emotions, to pretend as if nothing had happened.But can't insult, the moment you can feel the scorpion expressions increasingly cold, trismus.That is he in JiYun strength, you can feel his eyes crush anger, start ups and downs in the chest, need only a small breakthrough, huge energy is bursting out.This time, know the person they still quickly convergent, otherwise, who all don't know what terrible things will happen.I had experienced such a scenario for many times, has always been a moment is violent, people who do not understand that strange how suddenly such a big temper, in fact, the truth is, he bite the gas has been a long time, only you believe he broke out.

Three is to he think are important.Scorpions live lonely people, will find their own, own and is a lot of people, his face smile a lot of moment are not from the heart, just for the occasion, really talk and know their friend is few.He attaches great importance to the people in life he will protect, scorpion in order to protect the person, we show feelings is strong.This person is most likely in the scorpion had needed to really understand the warm love and care.Even just a bit.Like will bear grudges, the scorpion to those who are really good people to him is absolutely keep in mind, not a lot of things, on the surface of the key, really willing to sacrifice for you the friend, it was him.For the man he loved, the scorpion if possible even willing to die for her.If his heart that she was hurt by others, scorpions have gouge out the pain of heart, this time, he might be exposed the dark side, if you want to relate revenge and scorpions, so this is the first.Scorpion this time may be in pain, in the most dark powers to revenge for her to destroy the enemy.Scorpion, in my opinion, the most strong feelings expressed, should is a time when he in order to protect her.Water look like king scorpion appearance is often not so tough, even a bit weak, this is a lot of people impression of them, but people know their inner lives, they are people who hate being sent.Scorpion is, as it were, ChiRuanBuChiYing, equal to him, he is a temper good man, if he wants to suppress, scorpions heart immediately rejected, and subconsciously, they are very disgusting habits of their boss.Most is not in their hearts, but not obvious, perhaps temporarily down the other, is quietly accumulated force behind, perhaps simply refused to directly with indifference and disgust.Scorpion is indeed like to control others, but not like fire like a lion that momentum on the feeling of it all, the scorpion can use a unique hidden forces affect a person, because he has a keen force into other hearts and calm temperament.If like scorpions have some fire character, will is a man of feeling letting a person is very sharp, beneath the surface of calm talk ACTS as a proud.The scorpion if learn to character make public, show strong leadership immediately.Scorpion control of their partners also have a strong desire, only when that she only when a person good to him, he didn't feel at ease, he hopes she can often accompany at his side, I hope she can often rely on him, so the bird according to people the gentleness sweet girl like most can provoke the scorpion the feeling of love.This explains why he and water like fish and the cause of the cancer is and it.

Scorpion prefer to talk to do things, with no expression, so to speak, the scorpion is hard to learn to use facial expressions to express their rich inner world, they are not good at using expressions.Nature of the scorpion is not love to laugh, especially unbridled ground between not used in a lot of people laugh, scorpion habit shallow smile, keep them in front of expression exaggeration to 10 seconds I believe that is a difficult thing.

They do often lack of affinity impression to the person, even if he has already realized this and try to change, the result will be found, one not careful, he and the sense of distance and somehow.Can say the scorpion smile keep something original in human beings, the scorpion shy smile will take the silk, especially in the presence of one or more members of the opposite sex.Looks very childish, let a person feel pure, look great.But laugh more scorpion is really important, the appearance of the scorpion, simple, sincere smile is a good way to dispel their bad impression in the minds of others.The scorpion can exercise in front of the mirror.Sensitive scorpion sometimes somehow stop smiling face, this will give others a bad impression, they will wonder and guess the reason why you suddenly face fall, most of the time, scorpions and so the gap is produced.

In the scorpion's life there is always a kind of yearning lonely traits.

They even can't stand the chill in silence at the same time, eager to get only when alone can enjoy the self perfection and nothing to face reality in reserve.

So, lonely scorpion is contradictory.

Loneliness in their souls like eyes, who is honest keen to knead into a grain of sand.

So lonely scorpion can discern lies more with the heart.They only when alone, just have a chance to board the spirit of the peak, look far, see clearly, obstacles, thinking such as moonlight dye snow, bright transparent, rational and emotional return to the most pure state, can illuminate themselves clearly.

So lonely scorpion wise.

When the scorpion surrounded by a side of loneliness is the release of their heart.Their body and soul into a filter, absorb the damp cold air, permeate a clear and sweet water droplets, that is their thoughts.Infinite thoughts flow, not limited by space and time, arrived at all the same soul.

So, when arrived at your soul, please cherish.

Aloof and indifferent when you see strangers scorpions, please forgive me, because improvisation not scorpions strengths, Scorpio always preheating is slow, emotional needs a lot of security can be lively.

So, when you want to know the appearance alone, alone the scorpion, please careful feel their inner activities of spring.

For Scorpio passion others have written enough, so that to write seem a bit superfluous.In the description, strictly speaking, is not entirely correct.Scorpio people really have too much passion.But these are not necessarily in an obvious way to express.For Scorpio, sex is a means of expression, it is a way to reach the order, not just the physical release of passion.

Scorpio the longing for love and sex, usually associated with the transition of they provide.They like to call sex and love his favorite name: a mystical experience, a deep experience.Sex and love let Scorpio surrendered to more powerful than their own things.Scorpio partnership is a kind of tolerance, they can sacrifice everything for the sake of love and commitment.They can even make a great sacrifice.On them a little bit, it will permeate their established relations with others, and affect their spirit and attitude.(the zodiac/astro /)

Scorpio is not stroke in a shallow pond.They dive into far flooded the depth of their heads.But sadly, sometimes released in Scorpio's relations, sometimes lead to extreme suspicion, and will make them produce strong possessive instinct.If Scorpio is in in love, this kind of situation often occurs.If they didn't really fall in love, so their emotional door will never appear in front of you, you will face the real feelings on the ice.

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