Pisces the ultimate perfect analysis

PiscesThe ultimate perfect analysis (2/19-320),

Have seen a lot of all kinds of legends about Pisces, analysis and interpretation.Seems to be no exception of the Pisces as aA womanSigns of the zodiac, is prone to shed tears, to lament.But alas, if you really just such a constellation, then no one willing to do a Pisces, but also won't have any famous Pisces in the history of character.

The most essential parts: thinking

What is the most essential characteristic of the Pisces?Good?Cowardice?Tender?No, I tell you, are thinking (in many cases, it is too much thinking).

Yes, all the properties of Pisces, all from his thinking too much, maybe there is nothing better than Pisces sign the second can insight into other people's psychology, to analyze the nature of things.

You can call it is sensitive, but once this sensitive to the correct use, so no one can learn faster than Pisces the human accident, in this respect, there is a Pisces man do particularly well, his name is zhou enlai.

Pisces people because thinking too much, if not really good, at least on the surface of good, too.For Pisces, is not so much a kind nature, Pisces rather like a way of life, live in good way, is easily and respected, general Pisces can early insight into this.

Talk about tender, that, no matter which article, don't forget to mention your gentleness.Yes, Pisces is gentle.Because you can always be sensitive to the subtle changes of the other party, to each other's change of heart, what performance in action, which is able to know as soon as possible, when to put on his coat to the girl, when to stop working, turn around and his girlfriend talk properly.

Pisces the ultimate perfect analysis _ the zodiac

Different parts: faith

Pisces faith is not faith!

In Pisces world inside, there is no absolute right and wrong, if something happened, he was the first thing to do is to understand the matter, to analyze it, rather than to judge it is right or wrong.

A passage quoted below indicate the characteristics of the Pisces:

"Fish man no prejudice, no wear buckskin personally walk several miles, he will not judge the indians;Don't try walking barefoot, he would not to judge a nudist.Even these did, he would still be full of understanding and not too critical.He seldom charges of cold is often warm patience, he will even try to understand his mother-in-law, there are a few men can do this?Sea prince has rare spirit of compassion, his friend confided to him and scared him, never fear to scare the fish need at least two tons of bombs.If you and I and you of the fish three people sat with one room, a man walked in and told us that he has some concerns, because he bigamy, in four states have a wife, may your eyes stare greatly look at him, at the fire, and thought the prison where he is the most suitable, I may disdain said he is a dirty rogue, but you of the fish are likely to ask: "the four state?You love them any one or not?"Fish is very curious, but the shock.For him, this guy needs a batch sympathy and good lawyer as hell."

One great advantage of this feature, the results achieved the myth of the history of science, he was Einstein.

Pisces the fatal weakness: cowardice

Real Pisces does give people too much disappointment, cowardly, paranoid, inferiority, indecision, no definite view...A Pisces may not have all of the above characteristics, but at least there will be one, two.Even great such as zhou enlai, sometimes hard to avoid some indecision and no definite view, of course, this time is not much.

The cause of Pisces indecision is simple.For a same choice, it seems to a striker, only need to consider two things, but it seems to you, but you need to consider 10 things, because he think it is too much.Simple say a word, you can think of it will give the people around how many different kinds of effects, it can let a person view of what they have, will not cause misunderstanding.(though most of the time, you will put some words of impulse blurted out)

As for suspicious, and inferiority linked more closely.Although Pisces can easily understand each other's intentions, see through the truth of the matter, but often can't hold on their own point of view, this can't adhere to the most because Pisces is unwilling to accept this fact, also have a lot of time because you not enough confidence in myself.About before, is a prominent example, Pisces girl less than boys straightforward told her that he does not love her, the girl is always still have a glimmer of hope, though the girl knows very.

Cowardice?About this, and beliefs.You must feel very strange, cowardice and beliefs have what relation?

Belief is a kind of terrible power, he can let a person can't do at ordinary times, have shouldn't have the courage, sacrifice shouldn't.And Pisces is not a little bit of faith, if any, is to add a little spice to life, or to find a shelter for yourself.For Pisces, you can live a comfortable, safe, ratio what all important.Rich clouds, want to open this is Pisces.As for patriotic, rice wine full of Pisces can be passionate, also not hesitate heavy gold to you, but only based on the premise of you have a good day.

Next, can explain the Pisces cowardice.

As long as you can make yourself and your partner in peace, have what can't bear?What what dignity, integrity, go to hell.So as long as you don't put you into disrepute, you may mock the Pisces cowardice.Every fish in the endure range is different, but basically a little bit more than normal people.But if you are not careful to make a fish feel no way to go, so you really need to be careful.Fish can trample all the laws, ignoring all truth, more won't consider his dignity and the personality.You must believe that, although this time very few, but it is because god just don't want to let people often see the hell.

Pisces the biggest advantage: feelings

The sign of the Pisces is not so much a live for love, rather a live for feelings of Pisces zodiac.

For Pisces is the most important thing in the world of affection, a spiritual meet fish, can have no other things, is the most happy man (of course, the vast majority of cases, there is no other things, it is difficult to meet the spiritual).

Any feelings for Pisces is important, love is important, but does not necessarily is more important than love, in the eyes of Pisces.

For fish, feelings is pure, is separate.Fish can forgive each other everything, as long as that man is really good for him.You can altogether, food and drink piao wager, before is people can be a prostitute, can is a despicable crooks, can forgive, as long as the fish can make sure you really like him, for his good.But please note that most of the fish are smarter than you, don't assume that your little tricks can cheat to fish, do you really like him, he know better than anybody.

Pisces girl for a boy to give you for a girl's son want to everything, gentle, desperate love you, lovely (many times is, most of the fish are very smart), considerate...

For a girl, Pisces boy...B: well...See your luck, if you meet fish is no ambition, don't want to do things, playing games of fish, and he has 25 years old, so kindly remind you, or leave him as soon as possible.Unless you are a woman, or you just find a lover, no one is fit to be better than Pisces lover: safe happy and no side effects).Otherwise, you will experience the most miserable marriage of world and life, amen...

So if you meet the fish is enterprising, can progress, do fish, fish or simply a successful career, so really congratulations to you, you are the most lucky one in the tens of millions of girls, even the most cynical women cannot on the cause of a self-motivated with fish have more demand.You can get all the tenderness and happiness in the world, including his money and money can't buy, the fish is willing to give all his dedication to his love of people, to see his love of people happy, he will be more happy."All" of most of the fish only feelings, without material, but we're talking about the kind of fish is the best, that can give the fame and wealth to your fish all the time, now you know how lucky you are.

Mention feelings have to mention: fair

It's strange?Fair for Pisces is a very important word.

Pisces is not common in the sense of values, judgments, you can't use it to do so is right, do it is wrong to convince a Pisces.Always remember, fish in a world of few right or wrong.

What fish is to deal with him and others (especially the relationship between lover)?Is fair.

If the fish had more than ten, twenty girlfriends, so he won't care how much have you ever had a boyfriend, if the fish a accidentally ran out to play a one night stand, so you are a one night stand, he will choose doesn't matter

Well, even if your fish pure feeling awful, you are his (her) for the first time, he can forgive you once flower, a flower heart, may flower heart, as long as you can enough care and sincerely like to make up for.Fish roughly exchange under your care (rate only god knows, hehe), if both sides rough justice (as opposed to his feelings to you pay), then he doesn't matter, will forgive you.

So with the fish is a very simple thing, as long as you can make sure that you give him and his pay much more for you, is ok.As for ethics...Well, really, the fish is not a dogma.

Fish on the other hand, if you feel you for his care enough, not enough love for him, who is not enough to you without him), the fish will be in pain, also corresponding reduced's care and love for you, don't doubt, this aspect, fish than anyone and haggle over every ounce of reality.

Feelings of perfectionism

Fish care about little things, so unfortunately, fish for what he care about is the attitude of a perfectionist.

For fish, perfect lover is not a true lover, the lover of love is not a career, not form a perfect lover.The requirements of the fish is "perfect love".

You can often do not say I love you, but you said, if must say it honestly.

You can seldom accompany him to go shopping, but when you are with, have to be really happy.

You can also said to him a few line, but you should ensure that you say to others less sweet nothings, and you for what he said is true.

For fish, deception and affectation is the most unforgivable.Many people think simply say a few words to the fish, I love you, regular to send some message greetings fish, often buy some good things for the fish fish can feel is love.Unfortunately, most of the fish are smart too, generally easy to distinguish those who move is true, that just means (if you ever use these means to conquer a Pisces girl, also don't satisfied, just a Pisces girls than boys more difficult to refused to others).

So, please be honest about fish, give him as much as they love him, he will give you as much.This is at least better than he was angry with you, isn't it?

Pisces really romantic?

The explanation of all the constellations, will say that Pisces is romantic, but all and Pisces (especially Pisces boy, generally refers to the romantic all male do) come into contact with people, are often feel romantic Pisces, why?Pisces is not romantic?

I give you a definite answer, Pisces is absolutely romantic, his romantic ideas not only in mind contains all Hollywood classic scene, still more his own original lens, he from time to time in the romantic fantasy scenes, a fish when he was 18 May 30 years began to want to himTo get marriedThe layout.

So why is different in reality?Because 2 points, inferiority and goodness.

Former is easy to understand, most romantic need confidence.Most of the time, is not a fish don't want to be romantic, but embarrassed and didn't the courage to do so, can you understand is right, ha ha.

The fish so confident?Why he is not romantic?

Because he didn't meet the right person, because he is kind.

Pisces love most is that some of the passive.Fish is always easily like a girl (note that I use the word is like), and then start and the girl began dating, then in all likelihood, will find that the girl can not give his perfect love girl (that's for sure, meet the most appropriate oneself person which have so easy), fish is very realistic know, he and the girl can't be in the future, two people can have is only a memory.So for fish, most of the prattle would say no exports, because the fish knows these words are lying and many romantic move do not to come out, because the fish can't let the girl stuck too deep, afraid of breaking up the day the girl was too sad.A lot of people say a virgin, Taurus people to think more, in fact, fish is not less than they want to, just hesitate to fish again, even if clear know and girls don't have in the future, also won't discover, will only quietly to maintain and enjoy every day.But such cases, the fish kind let endure a lot of romantic love word and action.

I do not show the fish is very noble?Ha ha, there is no true noble.Fish can be so for the girl's, because to do so can make fish feel great, have a kind of tragic beauty, the fish is willing to immerse yourself in this self psychosexuality.

Of course, at least than regardless of others' lives, only to happy to isn't it?So should applaud for the fish.

So, if one day, you see a romantic fish, don't doubt that he has decided that you have a bright future, he already knows he won't give you much sad, you still hesitating?Hug your happiness.

Conclusion: what is a good Pisces?

Pisces have many shortcomings, but most of them are can be forgiven.In addition to article 2, lazy and hesitation.

The Pisces to become a good fish, what they need is very simple, cause.

Actually don't need to remind the fish are other things, can want to understand their own.Just to ensure that fish can steadily for their careers.(The zodiac /astro/)

Once the fish to make money, so he is sure to make money.But this is difficult, it's really hard, if one day, you see a energetic fish, don't let go, tied him properly, it is likely that he will give you all the dreams.

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