Gemini mode and growing in love

The twin Gemini The twinsGemini

Archetypes prototype:The Witness witnesses;Perceiver awareness;The Storyteller narrator;The reporter;Media workers

Developmental Aim, development goals

Gemini's ultimate goal is to satisfy curiosity evolution.The Gemini man must learn to enjoy the fabulous secret nature of the universe, is full of surprises, with the miracle.Confused confusion - which is their goals, challenges us to think seriously about the problem in this world!This sense of confusion is a state of mind, let us experience the himself has yet to understand some of the content.From an evolutionary perspective, the planets will be affected by the Gemini energy efforts to seek a feeling of shock collisions.This need to find their own outside, set foot in the real world.This spell must read: "all that I can see, there will be profound."The shapeGo to schoolThat Gemini in the past, too focused, too clear, too "right" - this life needs some different stimuli.

Gemini love in the growth patterns and _ the zodiac

Strategies and Resources Strategies and Resources

Gemini is the most important strategy is to "experience & experience".Curious, restlessness, hate repetition and predictability: these are the resources of the Gemini.Popular astrology is usually emphasized this constellation.This feature is obvious, but the Gemini love to listen to more actually.Why is that?In a nutshell, we usually keep your mouth shut can learn more things.

Gemini is generally regarded as representative of young constellation.Use the word I'm sorry, because we would mention the idea of open, fresh thinking, like to accept pleasantly surprised, is characteristic of adolescence.These features should not be limited in a certain age, especially for the sun, the moon, rising in Gemini.

Shadow Shawow:

Gemini pure speed mode will bring them into the shadows.The result is likely to be overblown, superficial.It is possible that the excessive resource usage, nervousness, nonsense, nervous panic, people will manifest the characteristics in the ongoing crisis.Use this force is like a porsche sports car opened at 90 yards per hour mountain road - you can do it, but need one hundred percent concentration.At this speed, the life is not allowed to make mistakes.Stop, take a deep breath and read a good guide: this is beneficial to Gemini's advice.

Gemini love the sun

Generally speaking, we understand the ultimate goal of a constellation, can according to this way to estimate the interaction in the relationship.From an evolutionary perspective, the twins are seeking a wonderful experience.They are curiosity, they need a lot of excitement.Conformity and predictability will give this solar energy fatal damage.Want to continue to seize the Gemini men attention, partner not only need to build a solid, stable life characteristics of the middle class.These characteristics are only part of best partner can bring more interesting ideas spark, surprise, have a wide range of interest.Popular astrology view is impetuous fickle Gemini.Of course this is also a possibility.But we have to recognize that this impetuous variable is greedy desire for experience.Satisfy this desire, we must keep the communication, sexual or other various makes people fascinated.Don't be misled by the speech, Gemini can also have a monogamous relationship, only have two premises.First, the partner to support a Gemini people with active friends.Second, a partner with a Gemini man to share the surprises of life, don't stop learning steps, enjoy the colorful life.For Gemini, the ideal of marriage is like a stroll, winding in walking constantly talking, have fun, have a meaning, and never stop.

Rising Gemini love

Rising Gemini agile, alert, high-spirited.Partner is likely to ignore their inner true feelings - or underestimate their inner struggle.Rose sparkling Gemini people behave in social.In relationships, in intimate relationship, it is a challenge, profound spiritual levels will be covered.Rise a Gemini do to try to clear and concise way, quietly follow inner choice: in other words, listen to your heart.

Gemini is ruled by mercury, lady of mercury's situation will affect the person's psychology and love.

The moon in Gemini love (The zodiac /astro/)

Moon in Gemini men in intimate relationships at the core of psychological needs is to communicate.Nature, the communication here including serious sharing feelings, also includes a simple conversation.Here, the content is not the most important, experience sharing in the communication, attention to each other, each other the feeling of the connection is important.Continuous enjoy fresh experience - Japan island tour...Or go to a midnight movie together.The moon is usually is sensitive to conscious thought.If so, moon in Gemini will be difficult to get satisfy person's need, they will lose momentum.As close relationships become a rut, in Gemini will feel irritable, inexplicable produce dissatisfaction -- sometimes show people the chatter of obsessive-compulsive disorder.Moon in Gemini people's family life often deeply felt a sense of overload, and some confusion.They think such an environment is very comfortable, even the relaxed and comfortable - Gemini people under the same roof with month, need to be able to endure them in order to answer the phone and audio kicked the little computer power supply this kind of embarrassing.

Gemini growth patterns and the related contents in love

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